New Garden. First apple tree


Today I finally got to work on a new garden. I had been planning it for a long time, but there was not enough time.

As a child, I often spent the summer with my grandmother, where my other children and I constantly played in the apple orchard. Since then, I have always dreamed of having my own garden.

Even before moving to a new house, I planted a few apple trees, plums and walnuts, but this is not enough. Therefore, in the summer I bought a piece of land especially for a large garden. And today I started it by planting the first apple tree.


Our land is not the best, mostly clay, but I have a great rotted manure, which has almost turned into earth. The difference in the color of the soil is clearly visible in the photo


Having dug a hole in the ground, I placed a wild apple tree there. I chose the wild apple tree for its vitality. It is very difficult to transplant tree from the field without damaging the roots, but I once transplanted 2 such trees and damaged the roots with them, nevertheless the trees survived and feel great.


Half an hour later, the apple tree was planted. I really hope that it will take root. But in any case, a start has been made. Ahead the transplant of 4 walnuts, 3 plums, a few more apple trees and pears.


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