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Looking Up to the Sky! The Amazing Mung Plants

The Wonder of Nature

If we just look closely and pay attention to our surroundings, we will see how incredible nature really is. Having a garden is as close to nature as we can get, especially now that our movements are restricted due to the quarantines and lockdowns that are being implemented in many countries around the globe.

Late last year, as the temperature started to go down here in the UAE, @kennyroy started a small vegetable garden. It is both amusing and satisfying, as we see the little seeds grow and bear fruits. What is interesting is that most of these plants just sprouted from the seeds that we threw.

Two weeks ago, I asked @kennyroy if we could try planting mung beans and see how they will react to the now becoming hot temperatures.

The Mung beans sprouts today, Day 12

My kids shared how the sprouts were by the third day. The seeds really grew so fast!

I am at awe at how the seedlings transformed overnight, seeing new leaves appear each time I visit them in the morning.

Kids planting. Day1
Day 3
Day 5.
Day 9

Reaching out to the sun.

With nothing much to do, and while the weather is still tolerable, I always go out to catch some fresh air. I love gazing at these greens and observing them- what has changed, how many fruits are there, it's flowers...

Around mid-day today, I went out again and saw that the mung plants are directly under the sunlight at that time. We all know that plants get their energy from the sunlight.

Guess what...

The leaves were literally reaching out to the sun! If in the morning, the leaves were spreading out sideways, in the afternoon, they were slightly up!

To think that the some plants get wilted when the sun is too hot...

I was not able to take a picture of it, but this is how the Little Monster's plant looked this morning.

During these odd times, I have learned to value more the simplicity of life, the small things that didn't matter before, the powerful unspoken signs that are waiting to be understood, among others.

Life is too short to be lived with spite and hatred.

Many thanks to @bearone for this beautiful Hiveph badge!

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