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The Battle Vegan Recipes: Sweet VS Savory Sweet Potato Toasts


Have you ever made Sweet Potato Toasts? Toasts what is meant here is that we shape Sweet Potatoes into like toast.

The good news is, you also don't have to have an oven to make Sweet Potato Toasts. If you don't have an oven, you can fry Sweet Potatoes in a little oil in a non-stick frying pan instead of using the deep frying method.

Sweet Potatoes make a great choice for breakfast or dinner. Even good for vegan food list.

Some Good Reasons to Choose Sweet Potatoes on the vegan list

  • Nutrition in sweet potatoes beats the nutrition of other favorite vegetables such as spinach and broccoli. Sweet potato ranks first as the most nutritious vegetable. Points were given for content of dietary fiber, naturally occurring sugars, and complex carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins A and C, iron, and calcium.
  • Sweet potatoes have no fat which also makes them great for those who are wasting their weight. Sweet potatoes keep you full for longer and will give you all the essential nutrients. This is because of the content of low carbohydrate and high fiber content.
  • Sweet potatoes are great choice for diabetes because it contains a lower glycemic index than potatoes.

So this time I will share with you two recipes of toasts at once with completely different flavors. Sweet and savory.

I will share how I prepared Sweet Potato Toasts.

How To Make Sweet Potato Toasts

Choose Sweet Potatoes that are long shapes so they will resemble slices of toasts.

Baked Sweet Potatoes

Cut into slices, then give a little oil after arranging on the baking tray. Bake for 45 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees Celsius. At half cooking time, check the Sweet Potatoes and flip the slices of Sweet Potatoes to cook evenly.

Fried Sweet Potatoes

For the frying method, it takes a total of 5 minutes. Just 2 minutes fry with a little oil per side. Then flip the slices of Sweet Potatoes. Too long frying time will cause the Sweet Potatoes to become hard and have a burnt surface.

Sweet Toasts

The Ingredients:

  • Sweet Potato Toasts
  • Dragon Fruits
  • Apples
  • Coconut Cream. You can use other types of cream. Here I use coconut cream because it tastes delicious, savory and a little sweet. The fragrance of coconut cream is also very good and appetizing.
  • Ground Cinnamon

Sweet Toasts serving

You can serve Sweet Potato Toasts as simple as possible. Here I set it to be more beautiful for my food blog.

Step 1

Prepare a serving plate.

Step 2

Arrange the dragon fruits neatly. I also apply dragon fruit to be a sauce in the middle of the plate.

You can replace it with other fruits that are in your area such as strawberries or even blueberries.

Step 3

Place the Sweet Potato Toasts in the center of the plate over the fruit sauce. You can adjust it according to your taste.

Step 4

Add coconut cream on top of the sweet potato toasts and top of the fruit. Add the coconut cream carefully to create a nice shape.

I also add cream to the plate near the Sweet Potatoes position.

Step 5

Finally, add the apple slices, and sprinkle with ground cinnamon. Anyway, ground cinnamon and apples are like a great match. So don't separate them, lol.

Step 6

Sweet Potato Toasts with sweet taste is ready to be served and enjoyed happily.

This sweet-tasting version of the sweet potato toasts smell great and taste great. That's enough to blast your happiness in the morning.

Savory Toasts

Let's move on to the savory version of the toasts. This version has a spicy flavor that dominates because I use a lot of chili and pepper in my stir-fry vegetables.

Use your version of stir-fried vegetables. I'm sure you have your references.

  • The Ingredients
  • Sweet Potato Toasts
  • Stir-fried Tempeh with eggplants and green beans. I stir-fry them at the same time.
    You can replace green beans with other vegetables.


Step 1

Prepare a serving plate.

Step 2

Place the sweet potato toast on a serving plate.

Step 3

Time to start arranging the stir-fried vegetables on top of the toast. For the first stage, I styled green beens.

Use vegetables that are large in texture but don't cover the toast.

Step 4

Add the eggplants pieces to the plate. But you can put it according to your taste.

Step 5

The final stage, arrange the tempeh and chilies on top of the green beans.

Step 6

Sweet potato toasts with a savory version are ready to be enjoyed.

My Favorite Toast Version

In this battle of two vegan recipes, I chose Sweet Toasts! How about you?

The delicious taste of the sweet version of toasts melted in my mouth. A mix of sweet pototaes and fruit and cream, oh my God, I'm glad I found a taste that good!

You have to try it.

Then how about the tasty version of toast? It tastes good, but it looks like it's more suitable for dinner. As for breakfast, I prefer the sweet version of the toast.

How about you? Which version of the toast is your favorite?

Thank you for reading my food blog today. I hope my food blog can inspire new menus for you, even though it's a simple menu but it can make you fall in love.