A Magical Natural Drink, From Blue To Purple


Have you ever seen a simple miracle without a spell? Just a drop of lemon that can change the color of a drink.

Previously, I posted about the Butterfly Pea Flowers ice drink which is refreshing and also healthy. You can read more HERE.

This time, I will share something that is not far from the previous drink. There are a few different things, like lemon drops that can change things.

A Process I Call Magic

I call lemon magic in this drink.

Before a magic happen

Before mixing it with lemon juice, drink Butterfly Pea Flowers blue. It's quite beautiful.

If you want another color? It's easy! We just need to add lemon juice.



Just a little, you don't need a lot because the taste will be very sour and not fresh if the taste is not balanced.

From Blue To Purple

Butterfly Pea Flowers have many advantages, especially for natural food and beverage coloring agents.



This drink turns purple due to a chemical process that occurs between Butterfly Pea Flowers water and lemon juice. This is an advantage for culinary business owners who can create beautiful, healthy drinks.

I have seen a drink like this in a restaurant that has different color gradations on each drink menu.
This drink is certainly healthier because we no longer need colored soda water to produce different colored beauties.

I love to see things like magic around me even though it's a chemical process. It should make us believe that there are always miracles when we believe. We just have to believe and let the "universal chemical processes" do the work for us.

How do you think the Butterfly Pea Flowers drink could be these two colors? Have you ever tried it?



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