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Fruit that can be used as a medication.

Fruits are the blessings from God which contains all kind of benefits. There are more than 2000 fruits through out the world from which human being is taking its benefits. Through out the four season we have different kinds of fruits which are tasty and delicious. All natural fruits are used as a source of medicine as well because fruits contains natural remedies to cure different kind of disease.


Today I have a new topic to discuss on, on my previous posts we were discussing about natural fruits and their benefits but today we are going to discuss on how to use fruits as a source of medicines. According to latest research it is good for the human being to not take medicines for the common disease. The disease should be kept for three days to be cured by its own but if it get worst we should refer to medicines. In the mean time of three days we should take different natural home remedies to get well.

Fruits can be used for different medicinal purposes as they are rich in Vitamins, minerals, iron, fiber, potassium, zinc, calcium and many others. There are the natural remedies gifted from God which have no side effects but with many advantages. Today we will discuss two of the fruits to how they are used as medicinal purposes. The two fruits are Lemon and Pumpkins.



Pumpkin is one of the favorite and famous fruits with many benefits. This fruit is cultivated in warm climates and is more grown in America and many other places but can be stored for the winter times. This fruit is orange in color with a kind of spherical shape. All pumpkin has hallow seed inside which helps for the cultivation purpose. This fruits resembles more with Melon but are different in taste. Some of the ways to use this fruit as medicinal purposes are,

  1. This fruit is used to cure urinary tract infections. If a person has urinary problems and instead taking medicine to cure the disease use this fruit and cure with out any side effects.
  2. This fruits has another benefit that it is used to cure hypertension, if a person is mentally tensed instead taking medicine it is good to use this fruit to solve the problem.
  3. This fruit is beneficial for the treatment of lungs, if a person has lung disease can take this fruit.



Lemons are a popular fruit that is taken in different ways such as used in Salads, Foods, and adding flavor to all kind of fruits. Lemons are sour in taste with a small size round shaped. Lemons are yellow in color which came in different types depending on their size. Vitamin C is essential for health and this fruit is full of vitamin C. The fruit that contains more Vitamin C protects cells from damage. Some of the ways to use this fruit as a kind of medicines.

  1. This fruit is used to cure Cancer patients, people who are suffering from cancer can take more lemon to help cure the disease.
  2. This fruit is used to boost the immune system, regular use of lemon boost the immune system which fight against all the germs inside the body. A person should take lemons instead medicines to boost the immune system of the body.
  3. This fruit has another benefit that it reduces human weight which cures many other diseases. Many of the people use medicines to reduce the weight which has many side effects. It is better to use natural fruits for this purpose.

These are the two natural fruits which can be used to cure diseases instead using medicines. These two fruits has many more benefits to cure other diseases but I mentioned the best ways to cure the disease instead using medicines. Hope you people will like the post and will take the advantage of the post. Thank you all for reading.