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ecoTrain QOTW #9.4: Can Spirituality and Technology Live Together?


How are you all doing, and how is life treating you? I'm fine, and I'm sending you many good wishes for your success. I just made a post about natural vegetables, which is interesting, and I wasn't aware of the question, so I might have skipped it. However, I've come to ask this question, which is both intriguing and difficult to answer because how can someone who is interested in science and technology believe in spirituality? These people are not spiritual, believing that none of life's experiences are based on spirituality and that technology is the only thing that exists.

However, there are two types of spiritual people: those who believe that technological progress is one of the reasons for spirituality, and those who believe that technology is opposed to spirituality and is simply superstition. The question is intriguing, and the answer will require attention and an open mind. Can spirituality and technology coexist?



Technology is the application of scientific knowledge to the practical goals of human life, or the alteration and manipulation of the human environment, as it is sometimes called.


Spiritualy refers to the connection between people's lives and the divine, which is separate from the world in some way.

The answer will be based on my own thoughts and information, which may or may not be favourable to some people. My answer is YES, technology and spirituality can coexist because spiritual people predicted a lot about technology a long time ago, and their predictions have come true to a large extent. As some religions have predicted, there will come a time when machines will be everywhere in the world and everything will be done by machines, which is far from the case, and spiritual people do not reject technology.

All of the prophecies have come true, which is why spiritual people believe in technology. While no spiritual person today would openly oppose technology, they do oppose it to some extent because it has progressed unnecessarily and is being used for inappropriate purposes. One clear example is the world-wide virus, which is largely based on lies and spreads through the misuse of technology, putting many lives in jeopardy and resulting in the loss of many lives. This is due to the misuse of technology, and to the extent that spirituality will oppose this one.


Fasting is an important part of Islam that was made obligatory on human beings long ago, and it is one of the examples that spiritual people believe in and can live with technology. One month is set aside for fasting out of twelve months, which has numerous health benefits for the human body, as Islam has long demonstrated. Now, modern technology, scientists, and other doctors agree that fasting for the specified period of time has numerous health benefits. This illustration demonstrates how spirituality and technology can coexist.

Technology, on the other hand, is a fact that everyone must accept. This is because spiritual people have their own field and are preoccupied with it, which is why they cannot perform in technology. However, their advice is heeded and is used to advance technology. It's the truth, and we can see the progress of technology in our daily lives.

As a result, it is clear that spirituality requires technology and vice versa. They are not separate from one another because they require each other and are incomplete without one another, which is why we can say that they are linked.

This is my response, which I hope was correct; it is an attempt to express my thoughts on the relationship between spirituality and technology. Thank you for taking the time to read this.