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Dinner we ate chicken leg piece in small shop


Today's food is a popular shop where a great passport is made and I have my favorite chicken leg piece cooked slowly over a coal fire for about an hour. This is a well-known name in our area. And now people make chickens for themselves on order. He comes at four o'clock in the evening and sets up his shop and then he sits down from twelve to two o'clock at night. He has a little ready on which He keeps all his belongings and runs his own shop

Guys, this is the first time the chicken is spiced about 6 hours before it is placed and these are indigenous spices that are commonly used at home and they are not spiced as much as they used to be. Man's nature is bad, it comes in handy and it doesn't matter whether it deals or not.

when it is learned, its chickens are cut into small pieces, which are decided by the people and the people also make it. Is and is taught slowly when it is cooked and lightly added to it.

You can also say that it is a very tasty food. I often go to him when I am very hungry and I tell him to make me a chicken please.