The rains have caused a lot of damage

There are many losses in this world but the biggest loss is the loss of labor. It has been raining in our area for the last several days and this series of rains has drowned the labor of laborers for many days. They try to work but the rain starts again and it rained on the work done by the workers and all the work was ruined as much as the bricks were taken out and the water droplets got damaged.
The laborer prepares it with great effort. First he makes clay mud and dissolves the soil by mixing it with water. Then he continues his work. They live to dry quickly but the recent rains have ruined all the bricks and now they will be turned into mud again and bricks will be made again.
The heart of a laborer suffers a lot when his days of hard work go bad but we have to accept this decision of nature and these rains and disasters keep coming. Should protect as much as possible should save their belongings but do those workers know when and when it will rain, who do not even have a TV, work all day and go home in the evening tired losers go to sleep And when it starts to rain, all the bricks are broken

When I asked the laborers if all their labor was wasted, they said our labor is wasted and sometimes we get its money and sometimes when it starts raining our boss who would be in the kiln They don't even have money and then we don't get our money and our wages are wasted and we work from morning till evening and sometimes if it rains then our hard work is wasted and we have to go again. Bricks have to be made and now all these bricks will be made again and bricks will be made from this clay again.

They are working on the brick kiln and it is running and the rains are continuing. It does not matter because there is a fire on it and the water that falls down is immediately happy because it is a very fast fire. Which is baking bricks
It is very sad to hear the story of the workers that their labor has been wasted and now when the weather is dry and they will make bricks again they will have to work again.

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