The food at the wedding was delicious and the wedding was beautiful

I hope all the friends will be well in our area They sit down to eat together. On the occasion of marriage, cousins ​​sit down to eat together and discuss with each other about the wedding meal and also appreciate the food. Is appreciated
I will explain in full details after this picture
One day before the wedding, all the preparations are made and the duty of each boy is imposed. He is responsible for whatever he has to bring. A boy is given money and he It is said that you go to the vegetable market early in the morning and fetch the goods from there which are written by the dish. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
The cook continues to work hard to make the food and when he gets everything he starts cooking. Most of the food in our area is made on wood fire. Wood fire food is also delicious. And it doesn't spoil for long and stays hot because the charcoal in the woods is placed under the pot so that the food stays hot. I will tell you the details of the food that was made today.

Beef korma


sweet rice




Kashmiri tea

The food is ready and on the other hand the guests also start coming. The guests come and sit down and hug the bridegroom and meet him. They sit where they can find space and some guests sit next to their friends and talk to each other for as long as they don't like food. Everyone gets a chance to talk to each other so they talk openly until the food arrives at the table.



As soon as the relatives come, they first meet him and then sit with him for a few minutes and then they come down from the stage and sit on the second anniversary. When the meal starts, they all start eating and Eat everyone disappears as if no one was here I covered everyone's video and after eating all the guests left and finally I ate too
I also ate food and the food was very tasty. The food was very tasty and after the meal there was Kashmiri tea. It was very tasty. The food was served in such a way that no guest got hungry from here but everyone ate to their heart's content.

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