QUESTION OF THE WEEK 9.2 - "If there is a God why is there so much suffering in the world?"By@adreesjan

Hello my dear friends, I hope all the friends will be well as I did in the previous competition which was related to spirituality and this competition is similar to it and I am participating in it.
And I will express my views as follows: I am a Muslim and as a Muslim I will address all of you in the light of what I think and what I know and answer the questions that were asked in this contest. Are
So I begin my talk. Allah Almighty completed this world in seven days in which He made the mountains and the earth and the rivers and the seas and completed all the systems of the world in one day and the most honorable human being. And it is better to create a human being from a single human being and to create relationships, such as brother-sister relationship and parental relationship becomes a home in all these relationships which if any one is harmed. So the whole house suffers. How many people in the house suffer?
Yes, but if happiness comes in this house then everyone is happy and swinging in happiness. Happiness and sorrow are together. In human life, sometimes there is happiness and sometimes there is sorrow. They rejoice, and if sorrow comes into your life, you complain to the Lord that this sorrow is why I came. So he forgets me and if any misfortune befalls him in his life he remembers me. God is present. He is everywhere who created the whole of humanity. Who is pleased to visit their shrine and turn to God, then sorrow and anxiety are reduced and worries turn into happiness.

Why do suffering come into human life?

Suffering comes when man neglects the remembrance of God and does not believe in God and he says that everything is mine and I am in control of it then the decline of man begins And worries surround him either he turns into anxiety and sad illness or he suffers some kind of loss because of which his whole business which is going into profit goes into loss and he He falls from the sky and falls on the earth and becomes indebted to the people and is disgraced in the world. I have been harmed, although they used to be beneficial for him, but it does not take long for him to be harmed. There are also very poor countries in the world and because of poverty many poor families are forced to eat bread at one time and some people are so poor that their livelihood is very difficult. They live by begging. This is also God's creation, but there are some people whose wealth they do not even know about and their animals and horses and doggies and their pets eat as much food as I sleep. Man eats one meal at a time and he has so much wealth, he is also a human being and this is also a human being, the only difference is that God gives innumerable provisions to whom He wills and tests whom He does not want and some people He tests some by giving more, and He tests some by giving less, and to Him we shall return.

Many people all over the world are upset and many people are happy but there comes a time when happiness turns into sorrow and there is a time when a person dies in a house. The house and the whole family that is connected with it, no matter how happy they are. It is a spiritual relationship and it is a physical relationship and it is a blood relationship. All these relationships are made by the same God. There is a time when a person is in his mother's womb and is small. There they die and some die as soon as they are born and some die of a heart attack in their youth when they grow up and some people reach old age and eventually all of them die and you learn science. Seen everywhere but no one has experienced death. What happens at the time of death and how death can be prevented. Death will come whether it is in a closed room or anywhere and who is doing all this is the God behind him and he is invisible and we all have to return to him till today no one Man did not live in the world. The age of the first people was one thousand years. After that it decreased. Now only one human being reaches one hundred years. And some people reach the age of seventy or eighty and go to the same God who sent them into this world and taught them to speak. You have seen many people in the world who cannot speak. Something has happened to the tongue and some people go crazy, their brains do not work and some people become deaf to the ears, they cannot hear and some people have their legs in childhood for some reason or birth. The legs do not work and they walk with sticks and some people are in a life and death struggle in the hospital
And there are people in the world who are having fun and partying and decorating parties and girls and boys are dancing together and coloring their nights. On one side there are joys and on the other side we On the one hand there are worries and on the other hand successes are all part of life. If all the people in the world became rich then no one would work. Let's plan how to do this work and what is its plan and its plan is also prepared. When God created the universe, first of all arrange it, how it will be successful and how it will be run. The best thing for God was to manage in this way by giving troubles to some and giving pain to others and giving happiness to others. These are all part of life but when trouble comes, this God Must remember that I have trouble O creator of me take away my trouble this spiritual relationship if established trouble does not come close

God exists and it is not visible that we throw a grain of grain in the ground like wheat and then water it and when the wheat grows it turns from a grain to a branch There are many grains and it is God who makes these grains. The grains of wheat do not grow and some grains of wheat grow and give good yield. It is God behind them all. And adversity does not come in life. We should not offend our Creator and maintain a spiritual relationship with Him.The fact that God exists can also be gauged from the fact that when Allah Almighty created a human being and the heart beating in the human heart is a great blessing and its pump which provides blood to the whole body. You can estimate how fast it is moving or you can ask a doctor and who is igniting this heart which is moving without electricity and without electricity and it is the same God who is driving it. Yes, when this heart is closed, then man is gone
I have written this post in my own way. I hope my post will also come to a number in this competition and you will like it.
And last but not least, the headline made me smile
And thank you to the admin and others who run this community and wish them all the best.

Specia thanks



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