It is my first time posting on ecotrain community and I love this topic on habits.

As humans, we all have our own habits. What may be good to one man, may be bad to another. At least I was shocked when I listened to a lady who is a skin therapist say that we should bathe once in cold weather and bathe twice in hot weather.
For me, we should bathe at least twice daily, hot or cold. Haha. So, what is an acceptable habit to her is not acceptable to me.




Well, I can win a greeting contest. Hahahaha. I find it inappropriate and bad manners if I walk past someone older or a group of people without greeting or say hi to them. I am not a snub at all. This is also reflected in how I address people. I don't care about people's age, I love giving everyone respect. I greeted a neighbor this morning and I asked "how is Aunty Feranmi" . She asked if Feranmi, her daughter, is whom I am calling "Aunty"?. I told her Feranmi is old enough to be my children's Aunt, so calling her will make my children never address her as just Feranmi. She was defeated, she laughed and walked away.

My husband visited my office recently and that was the first time in 7years I started working there. As I introduced him to my colleagues, all he was hearing from all corners was "your wife is very respectful". Others went dramatic with it and demonstrated to him how I bend to greet everyone in the Yoruba way (even when I am not a yoruba) 😂. I learnt that from my parents. Mummy can slap her child publicly if she greets an old man and the child does not. Haha. I enjoy doing it anyway and it has brought me blessings and favor😂.



This is a habit I have formed from childhood, even when mum bathes us, she would start by brushing our teeth, and followed by washing our underwear before bathing us.
That habit has followed me till now that if I go and bathe, I don't fail to wash no matter how late I might be for my appointment.

Some ladies I learnt, keep theirs until the weekend, haha. Some soak it and add more per day, after a few days, they wash all together. Haha. Well, like I said, one good habit is bad for another.
I don't see myself changing this habit. Not even when I want to travel to a place where I can't wash, in that case I would use disposable, which I would burn.🔥

This is a habit I have come to cherish. As I cook, I clean up. No matter how hungry I might be, I will clean up where I cooked before eating. This also extends to washing plates overnight before going to bed. I do not like to leave used dishes in the sink and then go to bed. I washed them when my kids were small, and now that they can help, I ensure they do it before going to bed.


I love singing and sometimes sing at night haha. Hubby will just ask "this night"? He would tell me to stop because people are sleeping already. I will whistle along with my song, he knows haha and as such try to stop me. I do not have a melodious voice but I enjoy singing. It is one habit I am not ready to leave yet.

I have a PHD in inquisitivity. Hahahahahaha. I wish there was a course like that. When I say I have a PHD in inquisitivity, I mean I have the habit of asking questions to the fullest degree. I ask a lot of questions, and this has helped me to make wise decisions, think ahead of time and do things with much proactiveness. I never get tired of asking questions, ashamed or embarrassed. No matter how the one giving the reply would react, I still do my part by asking politely and constructively. Sometimes in meetings, I find my colleagues telling me to ask a question on their behalf. I find it ridiculous that they can't ask. Sometimes I help them out, sometimes I don't for reasons best known to me at that moment. Hahaha

There are lots of good habits in people, I am not an exception. But let's leave it as that and proceed to bad habits.

When I know these habits are bad, why don't I change them already? Well, may God help me. I will see what I can do about them. Hahaha. They are as follows:



Sleep is for sure a good habit. But taking a look at how I sleep, some people have made me see it as a bad habit. Haha, how?
Have you seen times when a man and wife goes to bed and one of them, especially the man, thinks he can have a little bedtime chat with his wife? Sorry, I will just switch off. Hahahaha. Sometimes I am even the one who starts the conversation, but I don't even complete my sentence before I doze off. Very bad. Or when we visit friends, after dinner, you see everyone on the bed chatting, laughing, teasing and taking turns catching up on what happened just to make everyone feel relaxed? I am not there anymore. I would sleep off. Hahaha. I don't know if all the tiredness from the day's stress bounces back after I have showered or if it's a habit I have formed. But If you want me to stay awake, let me not shower yet😂 and don't let me know that the bed is already made with clean sheets upon a very soft foam. I will just fall on it and sleep off. 😂 Inshort, don't gist with me at night on my bed. Hahahahahaha. Let's do the talking while sitting on the couch before I go to the room. 😂 😆 😂.
God help me change this bad habit. But I am still the first to wake up each day.


I used to like outdoor dinning but I have stopped. Most times I wonder how the food is made. I call this bad habit because sometimes, some friends would want us to go out and have a good time over a table. They are always unhappy when I decline food except drinks, ice cream or company-packed cookies. But it is for a reason.

The day I saw a waiter in an restaurant puting back the toothpick a customer had used into the tooth pick container, that was the day I made up my mind never to eat in public food canteens, eatries or restaurants. I wonder if the spoon I am given is clean, the worst is the cup in front of us to drink with. I make my meals in my house, and we wash drinking cups daily. For real, I hate eating out. Even when I visit people I am not quite comfortable with the hygiene around their home, I prefer not to be served food. But if I am comfortable with the neatness I see around, I could ask that we cook together, I teach a delicacy or we even bake something. This has put a strain on some of my relationship with friends because when they come around, they eat and are happy to take some away, but when I visit them, food should not be mentioned. How sad.

Much as I want to change this habit, I am beginning to think that I prefer it that way. Instead of eating and coming home to suffer some psychological effects or pain due to unhygienic handling of the utensils or even ingredients used which I am allergic to.



To some, this may be alright, which I think it is. But it is not common in some homes. Somehow, it's a bad habit because I begin to expect that every family member or friend I visit (especially if am passing the night) should offer me a pair of slippers to move around the living room or the room allocated to me not only when I want to bathe. Sometimes, if I even bring mine along, my host may not like it. it makes me uncomfortable when I visit a home and they don't have a pair of slippers to offer me to move around the house, I get cold.

Funny enough, in my house when hot, I sweep the floor and lie on the tiles to cool my body, but when I get up, I put on my slippers. 😂😂😂. The tiles are always too cold for my feet and so I always need and use a pair of slippers. I hope to change this someday. But I wonder when, especially now that we are entering into rainy and cold period.

Like I said earlier, some of these habits can be misconstrued to be the other way round by some. So enough of mine, are you going to tell us some of your own? 😂

Thanks for the visit and for reading. I appreciate.


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