Is 666 Here? World Coin, World ID and the Orb

Is 666 Here?


I was chatting with a family member the other day and the conversation quickly went to 666 and the mark of the beast. LOL. That's normal for us, that's the type of conversation we have. If it's not the Illuminati, it's Flat Earth or the fact that "Pigeons are not real". The pigeon one I discovered not too long ago in the comment section of a TikTok video I was recommended by the algorithm.

Anyhow, the gist of the conversation was about how fast we're moving towards the 666 reality, at neck breaking speed, with all these globalising technological innovations we're seeing day in day out. We mentioned AI, Blockchain, Jesus, Prophesy, right-wing Americans, Jews, Freemasons, Antartica, Will Smith, Africa, Islam, Mammon and so on. Like I said before, we usually talk like this, but our last conversation was particularly wild, even for our standards.

Perhaps the cascading events of recent times have been weighing on our minds, who knows. One topic that we spent a little time on was blockchain and the future of money. I mentioned World Coin, the new crypto currency launched not even a week ago, and their World ID and the iris scanning orb. Very 666 stuff!

I made a video about World Coin if you're interested to watch:

Hours flew by. I sat on the same chair the whole time. Thankfully my sister, being the superwoman she is, sorted out lunch and dinner. I felt like a king served two hearty meals without lifting a finger haha. I love my sis.

I think the consensus on World Coin, World ID or the Orb was that we wanted nothing to do with any of it. I suspect, however, that there's little we can actually do to avoid this stuff. The time is coming when we would simply be able to do nothing without this stuff. Global KYC and 24/7 tracking of what you're up to. The government having full and granular control with what you do with your money, or if you have money at all! Scary times ahead.

Another thing we agreed on, is that if when such a time comes, there are people that will stand up against it. "Cities will be burnt to the ground in protest." I can believe that.

As for me, like most Miss Universe contestants, I hope for peace. World peace.

Peace & Love,


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