Driving Through Slovenia


Weather can be really unpredictable - we all know that. A sunny day with blue skies can become grey and rainy, even it can bring a hailstorm. It's better to find some safe place for those moments.

But what if you are on the road while a storm is approaching?

No worries - just remember the song Riders on The Storm by The Doors and stay calm. Funny thing, it happened once when we were driving from Barcelona and we saw a few clouds behind a mountain... I started to sing this song and the storm indeed came. I received a questioning gaze from my husband at that moment - something like: what did you do with the weather, woman?? šŸ˜

This summer it happened in Slovenia. The day was clear and sunny (though we saw in Croatia many broken trees from the previous days' storms) but as kilometres passed more clouds appeared.

An important fact - to drive through this country in Central Europe you need only 2 hours.

Only 210km of highway.

Practically it passes in a blink of an eye. But the change was awesome.

Just a normal summer day...


Here already with more clouds:


And these were already suggesting more fun and probably a free car wash šŸ˜‚
My husband is fine with driving in the rain however I don't like it when a grey curtain of rain makes visibility difficult.


I captured some moments from our passing through Slovenia - it is two hours condensed into several shorter videos. And you will hear the same as we were listening to; a bit of Slovenian language from the radio stations. :)) Although we can't decide the music they will broadcast we like to choose the radio stations where we can hear the news from the roads and traffic conditions in case of an accident or road closure etc. The music - sometimes to our liking and many times not.

There were some parts where we were showing our vocal talents hahaha, but it was too funny (read - embarrassing to come to this video) so I cut it out. Still, in one moment I sang in a funny way one word. Why did I say it and what does it mean - those who can speak some Slavic language will have it easy to know.

Back to the weather. Here it comes, you can see it too how just 210 kilometres can bring different landscapes and weather conditions.


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