Creative Photo Edits

Hello everyone, hope you are doing great. So I explored some more on edits work earlier that I want to share with you all today. It is no news that I like playing around creating new looks off images...looking at an image in different views is always cool to see.

To get started I used the photo I took of a tree by my house and used the app I used on previous edits. Yeah...I know this isn't a good photo but then I am going to work on it so let's see what I can do with this.


First, I tried a couple of effects to brighten the colour...make it pretty and all, then I got a change in colour while at it. This is like a freak edit...that's the feature that that made this possible.


These are other edits from different apps...nothing much really, I just played around with filters and made the tree or leaves colorful to view unlike the original.


Now this is where I did most of the work, I tried creating something different but wasn't so easy lol. Hmmm, so I used the edited leaves has a book cover, then used some features provided by the app like the flying horse, the opening page thingy the lighting sparks, the glow and the nice background there. This in a way gave me the idea of The book of magic text used on it, I feel it looks like a book that shouldn't be touched by an ordinary person except of course you are a witch and you know how to cast a spell hehehe.

So this is my masterpiece for today...I hope you like it.


So tell me good or nah? 😄


Stay Safe And Remain Positive. 💕💕

Thanks to @suheri for the amazing banner

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