AI Home Theater Design

Something to inspire me to start a basement renovation.

It's been years that I've told myself and others that this season, I'm going to "finish the basement". Finish is a funny word, as nothing has even been started on it. Still original exposed studs, cement floor, duct work, etc and operating as the catch-all storage/junk area.

To inspire me, I turned my recent AI art generating interests to creating possible designs to inspire me. Here is one example:

I'm using self hosted Stable Diffusion, ComfyUI to be exact.

I know, I know, "Show us your prompt!"

three quarter angle, extremely detailed high contrast, sharp focus, 8k, masterpiece, high resolution, (movie screen:1.2) (home theater luxury:1.4) at night, solid back background, tons of tiny lights, dark jade plush fabric,

And for those familiar with Stable Diffusion, and detail curious.
Checkpoint: Starlight XL Animated v3
LoRA: Detail Tweaker XL

I can go into much more about Stable Diffusion, ComfyUI, hardware, configs, techniques, prompting, styling. But since this is my first post in this community, I want to be respectful and not just blather all kinds of techno speak and alienate myself. Just my intro post to this community.

I'd love to hear from anyone else dabbling in generative AI art, or more specifically Stable Diffusion and especially if your a ComfyUI user.

So, with this general design concept done and in mind, all I have to do now is learn carpentry, sewing, budgeting, waterproofing, painting, electrical and plumbing.

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