Sitting on a throne with the Empress: Starting to cull generated images

Today, it is all about spending some time with The Empress, and getting to know her as a character more closely. Again, I return to research, being the first result on google. My research reveals a few words:

  • Peaceful
  • Full Figured
  • A Crown
  • A forest in the background

Looking at the card itself, I see indeed this, with a red cushion, a spectre, some wheat, and a neutral, comfortable pose. There's no sense of discomfort in this image. It is safe, comfortable. I'm here to get some wacky interpretations, based on the prompt I've fed the AI, trying to maintain a consistent look to my other machinations on this theme.

Let's start with the first batch of images, and see if there's anything that I like off the start.


Images with red arrows are ones that I feel could be good, let's look at them a little bit more closely, in no particular order. :)


I really like the pose in this image, and the way in which the background causes a natural vignette, but it is nothing like a "peaceful" iteration or depiction of an Empress. In the words of a country singer-woman, it don't "impress" me much.


This has vastly different colours to the actual Tarot card, and has an interesting forest in the background, in that it is not really alive, it is a post-autumn forest, and the fact that this is taking place at night makes it unsuitable, but an interesting image.

Not sure why she is brandishing a sword. It isn't exactly the correct pictorial element for "peaceful"!


This looked promising as a thumbnail, but err, I'm going to say "no". The facial features look to be that of a demon, and while anything can be rescued with in-painting; there's nothing much peaceful about this, and even less of the pictorial elements


Again, with this image, I am not sure what drew me to the thumbnail other than the pose. It is certainly not the pose that is desired to show off a feeling of calm. Firstly, the character should be seated, as lease that would be the ideal.

Time to look at another bunch of thumbnails:


Again, another four images that caught my eye and that should be examined more closely.

The first of these (again in no particular order) is the third image in the above "caught my eye" category. The downcast eyes, the crown, the cloak are all great, but it looks like she's holding a weapon. That won't do, even if the rest of the image is generally very pretty , well composed, and just ... interesting. I like the colour palette, but the pictorial elements aren't there, so onto the next one.

Constantly, I'm still learning. :)


This next image is very dramatic, and looks almost as though it is a movie poster for a dark version of sleeping beauty or some such fairy tale. I like it on account of the compositional elements, and the vingette created by the trees in the background. But, unfortunately, it is lacking any of the compositional elements of the Empress beyond the seated pose.


A similar composition to the previous image is on show here, but it is a lot brighter in terms of the colour. Everything else about it is ... not suitable - the face, the deformed body, all of which I could not identify through the thubnail alone.


I like this final image. It has the air of a classical portrait; and the downcast gaze is interesting, just as it was in the first image from this second series of selections.

The chair is certainly giving the air of calmness, but we're missing a few of the pictorial elements required for the depiction of The Empress.


I'll be back again shortly with more images to cull. I created way too many images for this particular card, and there's going to be so many images that could be usable that will just end up getting thrown away.

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