Walking on the moon

Today I was remembering my childhood dreams, that moment in life when you believe that everything is possible and that you just have to wish for it. Then the years go by and life puts you in your place and it's not that I'm complaining, the truth is that I'm not doing badly.

But those childhood dreams were wonderful. I wanted to be an astronaut girl and walk on the moon in my pink shoes. I have not succeeded but to tell the truth it is not that there are many people walking on the moon. I think that all those who have done it could be brought together in one room. Being an astronaut to be locked in a module of a space station does not really motivate me much.

Although I highly doubt that I can make this childhood dream come true, who knows what the future holds. Yes, I can dream again and make the AI translate my dreams into an image.

And that's what I've done. I have given it some data from my childhood dreams and the AI has worked its magic. I think I forgot to tell you about the pink shoes but they are still pretty pictures.

Created with: nightcafe
Web: https://creator.nightcafe.studio/my-creations

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