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The beauty of a cave.

Perhaps one of the strangest sports that I like to do is caving. It is fantastic because it allows me to travel around the world with the excuse of doing this sport and thus being able to see incredible places.

For those who do not know what speleology is, here is a brief description from Wikipedia.

"Speleology is the scientific study of caves and other karst features, as well as their make-up, structure, physical properties, history, life forms, and the processes by which they form (speleogenesis) and change over time (speleomorphology). The term speleology is also sometimes applied to the recreational activity of exploring caves, but this is more properly known as caving, potholing (British English), or spelunking.Speleology and caving are often connected, as the physical skills required for in situ study are the same.

Speleology is a cross-disciplinary field that combines the knowledge of chemistry, biology, geology, physics, meteorology, and cartography to develop portraits of caves as complex, evolving systems."

So I was here thinking about it and I wanted to see what my dream cave would be like in digital format. I've given a little hint to the AI to create it for me.
He has created these 4 fantastic images of hypnotic beauty.

Created with: nightcafe

You can visit my instagram page and see many more creations

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