Who We Are

Almost nothing will upset an honest right wing conservative more than the idea of "free money." They will invent all kinds of derogatory labels for the recipients of this "free money," like "welfare queen" or "leeches," and they hate the idea of a welfare state in which these lazy good-for-nothing parasites can survive without doing any labor. Here's why this is just another made up concern to fuel a culture war without which conservatives could never rally enough supporters to vote for them.


source: YouTube

The fear that in a society in which each individual is given the means to lead a decent life no one would be incentivized to work is just ridiculous. To believe this is to fail to understand human nature and human evolution. We've evolved as social creatures who inherently want to contribute to the community that in turn takes care of us. No one wants to feel useless. Everyone wants to be a contributing member of the tribe, so to speak. And if occasionally one member doesn't share that feeling, if there's an actual leech who eats the food while never helping with the hunt, that individual will be shunned, ignored, receive disapproving glances and other cues to correct that behavior. This is who we are.

Why, I ask you, do so many people do voluntary work? They don't get paid for that work. And the only reason why they can do that work is because their basic needs are already taken care of. Why do the extra unpaid work? The answer is easy of course and is explained in the first paragraph; we feel good when we contribute to the improvement of the greater community. It's who we are. Besides that, labor is a primary condition of human existence; everything we need to survive and thrive comes from nature, but almost never in a form that we can use as is. Labor is necessary to transform that which nature grants us into a form we can consume or use; spears don't grow on trees, you know? Labor is the thing that creates wealth and betters our lives.

Unfortunately our spiritual, intellectual and especially our economical leaders have ingrained in us the belief that not labor, but capital is the thing that creates wealth. Capital is presented as a creative providential force. They claim that capital gives shape and opportunity to labor; capital creates production, jobs, new technologies, and a general prosperity. But that's the exact opposite of the truth of course. The capital that's invested in this productive force is itself a product of labor. The factories, warehouses, computers and office buildings that facilitate labor are built with... labor! The resources used are extracted through... labor! Every wealth-increasing process ever realized in the history of the human world has always begun, and will always begin with mental and physical labor.

We've turned this truth upside-down, and we've done it for thousands of years, ever since the advent of agriculture in the neolithic or late stone age. At some point someone said: "I'm the owner of this farm, and I'll let you all work my farm." since then we've given away our labor and its fruits. Capitalism is just the latest coat of paint on this ancient picture. And it's the capitalists who complain hardest about lazy leeches receiving "free money" for doing nothing. This is a farce of course, because we know that it's the capitalist who can hang back on his yacht while he extracts the surplus value produced by the labor of countless others. So, don't fall for these baseless accusations aimed at the poor and working poor; most of them want to work. And if they had enough money to lead a decent life, they'd volunteer to do meaningful work. That's just who we are.

A Moron’s 101 Guide To Marxism Ft. PragerU

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