The Three Ks

There's nothing wrong with family values. I believe and hope that blood is still thicker than water, or else the atomization under capitalism has really gone beyond the point of no return. The family still is, and will hopefully remain the smallest and most important social unit, from which all other social units are derived.


source: YouTube

There is something wrong however when these family values are co-opted by social, cultural and political movements with the aim of ostracizing anything and anyone outside the norm of traditional families. It's wrong when "the nuclear family" is used to establish and protect the supremacy of cisgender heterosexual men over cisgender heterosexual women. Then it becomes fascism. Here's what fascism is in a nutshell: hierarchy-preservation to the point of violence. In the west this boils down to the protection and promotion of white male dominance in business, culture, economics and politics. And the family. I can not state loudly and often enough how this is the basis for right wing conservative ideology and politics, and I can not be repeated often enough that the farther to the right they go, the closer they come to fascism.

When Joe Biden called MAGA Republicans "semi-fascists," this is what that meant. They've become radicalized to the point that they're willing to protect these traditional hierarchies to the point of violence, political or otherwise. If you take a look at the YouTube Channel of HasanAbi for example, you'll see him react to hundreds of Tik Tok videos from Trump supporters calling for civil war. I'm not kidding, go look for yourself. Fortunately they're a minority still, but they're a loud minority and their leaders are the very same mainstream MAGA Republicans, influencers and media Biden was addressing when he spoke the F-word. Inspired by these fascist populists they prepare, often with guns, for the IRS, directed by the new communist Biden government, to raid their house and take their guns. They call the FBI and IRS the "new Gestapo," after Hitler's secret state police. They call for a modern day book-burning by banning books about gender-equality, critical race theory or history books that are too honest about America's troubled past with regards to slavery and Jim Crow.

The truth is that Adolf Hitler and other Nazis were inspired by American history. Just for fun I entered "American inspiration for Hitler" into Google's search-bar and here's the top three results: 1) How American Racism Influenced Hitler - The New Yorker, 2) What America Taught the Nazis - The Atlantic and 3) How the Nazis Were Inspired by Jim Crow - History. I suggest you read them all so you may fully feel the importance of what's conveyed and discussed in the below linked video.

It's a reaction to a fragment of Dennis Prager's podcast where a caller asks his opinion on the Nazi's use of the 3 Ks slogan. These 3 Ks stand for "Kinder, Küche, Kirche" which translates to "children, kitchen, church." Prager responds that only because this slogan was used by the Nazis, that doesn't mean it's a bad slogan. Now let that sink in for a moment. The slogan was used, first in the German Empire and later in Hitler's Third Reich, to describe a woman's role in society; it designates the places where women should know their place. "Now shut up and go make me a hamburger" and "barefoot and pregnant" are American equivalents. A woman's place is in the home, raising the children, cooking dinner and must only leave the home to bring the children to school, buy groceries or visit Church on Sunday. Under any other circumstance we'd simply call this old-fashioned or antiquated, but this endorsement of the three Ks is one piece of a larger puzzle that spells "fascism." And it's only fitting that three Ks also stand for something else tied to the protection of traditional hierarchies in America.

Dennis Prager Thinks The Nazis Had Some Good Points, Actually

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