Party Of Ignorance

A decent human being is all we need. A decent human being who recognizes the basic scientific facts of live. That's not a high bar to meet, is it? Unfortunately it's too much to ask for some Republican representatives, as they allow any fact-free, conspiracy-spewing bigot into their ranks...


source: YouTube

I've asked, and tried to answer, many times this question: how is it possible for so many people to believe patent nonsense? What's gone wrong in the lives of those who actually believe that the Earth is flat? Where does someone find reasons to convince themselves of the superiority of their own race, sex, gender identity or any other trait they have no power to choose or change? How come we live in a world where science, technology and access to information progress and expand rapidly, yet at the same time ignorance seems to spread like wildfire among certain parts of the population? Ignorance may be bliss in The Matrix, but here in the real world it's becoming dangerous.

When this wildfire of ignorance reaches the governing bodies of a nation, the danger increases exponentially. Political leaders who refuse to accept scientific consensus on climate change or a pandemic, let's say, endanger the well being of the population they're entrusted to govern. Leaders who let their religious convictions cloud their opinions on questions of sex, gender and birth control rights, will harm large parts of their constituency. Representatives who promote wild conspiracy theories will only accelerate the evolution towards a true post-truth society. This is dangerous, and the American GOP is spearheading this movement towards increased ignorance among their base.

Mehdi: GOP Extremism Can't Go Unanswered Anymore

Flat-Earthers rally against the "Big Lie" about the planet's true shape, much like a significant part of the GOP rallies against the "Big Lie" of the 2020 elections. Trump and his core followers are still at it, they still refuse to acknowledge that he lost those elections; some people wouldn't recognize the truth if it sat on their face, apparently. Every single Trump claim of election fraud has already been debunked a thousand times over, just like every Flat Earth claim, yet reality won't gain purchase in the minds of these crazies. Science says that transgenders exist, that gender and sex are not binary, that some people who identify as a man can get pregnant. But that's just not true, science is wrong, according to the conservatives who have trouble keeping up with scientific progression. Denying transgenders now comes as easy to them as denying climate change or gay people just a few decades ago.

The "pro-live" party isn't pro anything anymore. Now that they've lost all touch with reality and truth they're actually anti-truth, anti-reality and consequently anti everything that matters. There are some exceptions, like Liz Cheney who's chairing the January 6th hearings, whom I don't agree with ideologically, but who deserve praise for at least acknowledging truth in a party that's lost touch with it. I've linked two videos showing the GOP's next generation of crazies; Marjorie Taylor Greene, who went viral after suggesting that the July 4 Philadelphia and Highland Park shootings were false flags meant to push Republicans to back gun control measures, and Josh Hawley, who needs some schooling on trans rights, the mere existence of trans people even.

Fox News Pundit Schools Josh Hawley On Trans Rights

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