New Lows

New low after new low. That's the trajectory taken by the GOP in recent months, in recent decades to be perfectly honest. Recently they struck a new all-time low with the use of innocent immigrants in a publicity stunt to "troll the libs" by Florida's Ron DeSantis.


source: YouTube

The mid-term elections are closing in the United States, and the GOP fears it won't go very well for them. Biden is going up in the polls after his student-loan forgiveness plan. Their own former president is under investigation for stealing top secret documents that belong to the federal government; he believes he still is the president after all, as would any authoritarian who's lost touch with reality. And now Trump is mad at his main opponent within the GOP, Ron DeSantis, over a stunt the latter pulled recently. A stunt involving Venezuelan immigrants from Texas, false promises, and a popular liberal vacation spot called Martha's Vineyard...

One week ago two planes carrying migrants were sent by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis to Martha's Vineyard, an island located off the coast of Massachusetts, a so called "sanctuary state," that's long known as a posh summer destination for wealthy vacationers. This is just the latest in a series of moves by Republican governors to transport migrants to northern liberal enclaves to protest what they say are inadequate federal efforts on southern border security; read for example how Texas sends two busloads of migrants outside home of Kamala Harris, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott's response to Kamala Harris' assertion that the southern border is secure.

According to some reports, including this one from Rolling Stone Magazine, Donald Trump has privately voiced his anger over Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis sending two planeloads of migrants to Martha's Vineyard. His displeasure had nothing to do with moral revulsions at the governor for using unsuspecting pawns for a political attack. It's just that Trump's mad at DeSantis for stealing his mantle as the GOP media star, and as undocumented-immigrant-basher-in-chief. Donald Trump cares for one thing only, and that's Donald Trump. He's not mad at the inhumane opportunism of this stunt, instead he's just mad that he doesn't get the credit for it.

Feud ERUPTS with Trump furious at Ron DeSantis

Americans are all, except the native Indians and the African Americans who are the descendants of abductees, immigrants and descendants of immigrants. Go back far enough in history and we're literally ALL descendants of immigrants, so it's kind of sad and incomprehensible to me to see so much fear of immigrants. Or rather; it's sad to see so many people fall for the opportunistic fear-mongering around immigrants, because that's what Ron DeSantis and his ilk are doing. Let me quote from an article I found that describes perfectly what most certainly happened:

Stop and think for a minute about what kind of mind it takes to come up with a scheme like this. A few Republican operatives are sitting around fretting that they might lose the midterms. They start tossing out ideas about what they should do. Some policy idea that will solve a problem and help their voters? Be serious; that bird flew two generations ago. Some phony promise to lower gas prices? They’d have no more power to do that unilaterally than Joe Biden does, but at least it has something to do with people’s daily lives.

No, they come up with this. It ticks every key box of modern fascist Republicanism. It’s based on lies (the lies that were told to these migrants); it places trolling the libs above all else; and it’s inhumane to a group of powerless nonwhite people. The neo-Goebbels propaganda trifecta.

I invoke Goebbels because this is the kind of thing he did. He was a master at it—all those “rapes” of German women by Poles along the German-Polish border in August 1939, making it “necessary” for Germany to invade. This is how the reactionary fascist mind works.

source: The New Republic

What's most disturbing in this whole ugly ordeal, is that Ron DeSantis will end up as a viable alternative for Donald Trump. As Trump is losing some of his support in the wider GOP, the same sentiment that moved the nation to vote for Biden in the 2020 elections, will move the GOP to vote for DeSantis in the next Primary Elections. "At least he's not Trump," will be a motivating factor when the GOP finally accepts that Trump isn't a viable candidate anymore. The truth is that DeSantis is every bit as bad as Trump, as he's banned books, enacted anti-LGBTQ+ policies and is willing to use innocent brown people for his own political gain. I and many others had predicted that Trump's loss in the last general elections wouldn't be the end, but just the beginning of the era of Trumpism in America, and every day we see the headlines showing how right this prediction was. There's no returning to "normal," not yet, not even if the Democrats win the mid-terms and the next general elections; I fear that there will be a lot of new lows in America before the path back up can begin...

Ron DeSantis gets BRUTAL legal news over Martha’s Vineyard stunt

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