Ignoring Truths

I've often written about and hinted at men's amazing capability to ignore obvious truths. This is risky, to say the least, because "truth" is something that's not so easily defined and it exists in our minds only. Or does it? It may be more accurate to say that there is an objective truth out there in the real world, but that it's always filtered through my particular mind to form my own truth. Ultimately one's own consciousness is the only irrefutable reality, the only real truth. But to function and to survive we have to agree that there's truth outside our own perception of reality, a reality we have to navigate in order to survive, and that's true whether that reality is real or simulated.

source: Quote Master

Excuse the long introduction, but I just wanted to take all that off the table before starting today's post; from now on we operate under the assumption that there is an objective truth "out there", and that we as humans share our individual perceptions of that truth to come to some form of shared truth through conversation. It's the willful or induced ignoring of an obvious shared truth, that is affirmed by current events in the shared reality, I want to discuss here. That truth is that medicare for all is the best method available to us, to increase our general, shared sense of well-being. Medicare for all is better than any system based on private insurance in a competitive for profit marketplace. Even Joe Biden, who has said he would veto medicare for all, even if it reached his desk in the Oval Office should he become the next POTUS, accidentally argues for medicare for all, as seen in this video:

Biden Triples Down Against Medicare For All But Accidentally Argues For It

Now that we have a global pandemic, and now that 10 million Americans filed for unemployment over the past two weeks, this truth suddenly strikes home with millions of Americans. With 10 million people losing their jobs in two weeks, numbers rivaled only by the numbers during the Great Depression in the 1930s, and a majority of those having had their health insurance linked to that job, even right wing politicians are talking about the need for government to step in and make sure no one goes bankrupt or dies unnecessarily by not having access to the appropriate healthcare. The sad thing is that all truths are measured and filtered by a shared overriding truth called "the economy"; the truth about medicare for all only strikes home now that it's absence threatens the survival of that overriding truth. This has the bizarre consequence that these politicians are actually saying that it's okay to die unnecessarily from cancer or diabetes, just not from the virus that threatens their lofty position in life, or the economic "truth" that got them there.

I really don't know what more evidence is needed to convince people of the truth that capitalism has long ago passed its use for humanity's progress toward a better state of being. I guess Winston Churchill was right when he said: "Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened." I want to end on a lighter note though, and invite you to listen to the below linked one minute audio from one of Cheech and Chong's old albums; it's about dog shit and the willful ignoring of evidence staring you in the face, and I think it's hilarious.

Cheech and Chong- Dog Shit

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