Get Rich Grift

In an age when truth and honesty are reduced to being the domain of crybaby losers, knowledge and information the privilege of a distrusted elite class, and science the perceived ally of big business capitalists, the gurus of new age beliefs come floating atop, grifting their way into your wallets and bank accounts...


source: YouTube

The institutions we once placed our trust in have betrayed us. Cable news networks have sold us illegal wars with no clear plan for winning them, lining the pockets of the military industrial complex, politicians have stopped working for the people and instead sold their souls to a demanding donor-class, spreading misinformation whenever it suits their goals, doctors sell medicines promoted by Big Pharma and act surprised when half their patients subsequently don't believe them when they say they need to GET THE VACCINE!! The line between truth and untruth, reality and fantasy, information and misinformation are blurred to the point of erasure. What's true? Whom can we trust?

In this atmosphere it's becoming nigh impossible for a growing group of individuals to distinguish between truths and falsehoods. This should surprise no one. QAnon's popularity should surprise no one. The cult of personality built around Trump should surprise no one. We've created a world in which everything's for sale, and "truth" is the first victim in the war for profits. Over-promising and under-delivering is the specialty of marketeers whose bottom-line is the only truth they're interested in. If you've followed enough debates, you know this to be true: it doesn't matter who's right, what matters is how well debaters can sell their truth. The better salesman wins.

Enter the new age guru's. They've become exceptionally adept in selling their truths. Ever heard of The Secret? If you have, you know what I'm talking about. This pseudo-scientific documentary and book popularized the concept of the "law of attraction," which posits that feelings and thoughts can attract events, feelings, and experiences, from the workings of the cosmos to interactions among individuals in their physical, emotional, and professional affairs. In short, it promises followers that their wishes can come true, if they only believe in them enough. Just concentrate, visualize what you want to happen, and it'll become reality. Your imagined future will "manifest" itself. So, if you want to improve your life, if you want to be more loved, if you want to become rich, all you have to do is believe.

The flip-side of this concept, of believing in this concept, is that if your imagined truth doesn't manifest itself, there's no one to blame for that but yourself. YOU didn't believe enough. YOU weren't positive enough. YOU let negative thoughts prevent the manifestation of your imagined future. It even goes so far that some of these grifting new age gurus say that people who are robbed or raped are just as guilty as the robbers and rapers; this "law of attraction" is true for negative things as well, THEY attracted their robbers and rapers to themselves. This provides a great cover for the grifters that sell these ludicrous ideas, as they are never to blame when things don't go as planned. And since they prey on people who are in a tough spot to begin with, their customers will BELIEVE it's their own fault if they don't become loved, liked or rich.

Scammers, that's what they are. Also notice that the same ideas and principles are used by many MLM (Multi Level Marketing) schemes; they promise riches, freedom, a chance of becoming your own boss, but only if you believe in the product enough, if you recruit hard enough, and if you fail to become rich, there's no one to blame but yourself. You're invited to meetings, seminars and other events where you meet your fellow sellers and recruiters, on the stage some success stories are shared, glitter and glamour all around; you're with your new family now, just like QAnon has built its own family, like Trump has built his own family. These are milder forms of the same idea; prey on the minds and wallets of those who are vulnerable and lost in a world where truth has no more meaning. Watch the below linked video, which is a great overview of the rise and history of these new age, or new thought gurus, how "the law of attraction" is in fact a successor to the "law of success." It is the second part of a two part series, you can watch part one right here.

The Dark World of New Age Gurus | Documentary.

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