Cultural Evangelicalism

Evangelical Individualism would be an equally apt title for this post. It's gonna be a short one because I mainly want you all to just watch the video, which is one of the best speeches I've ever seen to propagate the conspiracy theory of Cultural Marxism.

source: Wikimedia Commons

Really, this highly religious man, Dr. Voddie Baucham, delivers an oration against social justice, against the existence of white supremacy or white privilege, against the reality of systemic racism, that is so good and so compelling that right wing grifters like Ben Shapiro or Stefan Molineux should be jealous of.

It's something I've never seen before; an evangelical perspective on cultural Marxism, social justice and intersectionality. Of course, I don't agree with any of it, save the correct description given of intersectionality, but I still want you all to see it, to really listen to this man. If by the end of his speech you find yourself agreeing with him, I wouldn't be surprised because he packages the lie of cultural Marxism so good. That he's able to do that can be explained only by his deep belief in the truth of what he's saying; Dr. Voddie Baucham exudes a level of confidence in his words that's lacking with your traditional far right grifter. This makes him very convincing, and I do mean VERY convincing, especially if you're sick and tired of the political theater performed before our eyes in which the left wing does nothing but virtue signalling, when in fact they do nothing substantial to aide the vulnerable demographics they pretend to serve. They make it so easy to fall for the narrative that identity politics serves only to divide the people, when in fact its intended goal is to repair historical injustices.

But I won't rant on this time and just let you consume dr. Voddie Baucham's words. If you afterwards (or in advance) want a quick debunking of this narrative, please watch the first video in my recent post A Rock And A Hard Place. What I want to briefly touch upon though is the beginning of Baucham's speech; he mentions that Karl Marx foresaw an uprising of the working class against the capitalists, which is true. He also mentions that according to Marx, religion was the opium for the people that enabled the capitalists to perpetuate their exploitation of the working class, which is also true. But then he says that Marx failed to recognize the cultural aspects of the capitalist suppression, that the capitalist is usually the white, straight, cis-gendered, able bodied, native born man, and that all people who are not that are suppressed; women, gay people, transgenders and so on.

<subMussolini: From Socialism to Fascism

That division, that identifying of all these different demographics was where the cultural Marxists came in, and is the reason why ID-pol is so prevalent in politics and universities today... Like I said; he's very compelling. But, I ask him, and I ask you, if you believe that to be true, shouldn't you then conclude that Marx was right? That the fight really is the united workers against the united capitalists? And of course, dr. Baucham fails to mention the origins of the conspiracy theory he so eloquently and unwittingly repeats in front of his audience... Just something to ponder on while watching this speech, which in itself I found amusing and pleasant to watch because I can appreciate good speakers regardless of their message; even the right wing grifters like Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro and the likes I can appreciate for that specific talent they have...

I've added, last minute, a video above that covers much of my latest posts about the difference between Biden and Trump, the Democrats and the Republicans and the difficulty of making a sane choice in November. This time it's about the similarities between socialism and fascism, and how they're both born in moments when the current political landscape is widely viewed as intolerable. It deals specifically with the question how Mussolini evolved from a socialist to a fascist, and it may give some additional insight into how close America is, partly due to the spreading belief in cultural Marxism, to becoming a full fascist state. Every ideology and every system can be seen and understood from different perspectives, and most of them overlap at least partially, which is in part the reason why it's so easy to fall for the explanation that suits one's specific world view... Anyhow, I hope the above linked video does convince you, just as I hope the below linked one doesn't, even if I do appreciate the speakers effectiveness a lot.

Cultural Marxism | Dr. Voddie Baucham

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