RE: Two Tragedies in One Day

I think that duplicity and lack of moral convictions are the main distinguishing features of modern politicians. There are special assistants who suggest what to lie in which situations and, remembering the past lie, harmoniously build a new one for them...

Statements by European politicians of the rank of Scholz and Macron only indicate an attempt to earn political points in the eyes of their electorate. If puppeteers need to keep their puppets in place, they should show some kind of periodic show for their people. NATO troops have been in Ukraine for a long time. It’s just not official yet, so as not to scare the population and not provoke direct open confrontation with Russia.

I wouldn't want you to have a war, but no serious changes can happen without bloodshed. Unfortunately!

The forest is a wonderful refuge! I hope you will not have to use his services due to lack of need. I haven't had to leave my home yet.
But the steppe is all around me! If something happens it will be difficult to hide

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