RE: More Сhildren Were Born in Ukraine During the Holodomor Than in the Last 10 Years

It's not even about sterilization, but about creating such unfavorable conditions that women are forced to leave or give up the child until better times come.

Regarding the document you were trying to translate

The Uman office of the GPU noted the extremely unsatisfactory situation with the bread supply to the workers of the city.

In January, only those on the first list received bread: workers of local enterprises, scientific workers, teachers, students, post office employees. These categories received 300 g each, their dependents were not supplied with bread at all.

On January 16-17, bread was not given out at all; on January 18, the Rabkoop borrowed 2.5 tons of bread from the district union and distributed it on the same day; on January 19, bread was not given out again.

The GPU apparatus in Uman through a specially allocated communist doctor revealed 9 cases of workers' swelling due to hunger.

Due to the difficult material situation, poor food supply, up to 700 students of local technical schools, according to preliminary data, quit their studies and left Uman. During the last month 12 lecturers of various Uman educational institutions left their work.

There are sharp anti-Soviet reactions among the workers of local enterprises; at work, in the workshops, the workers only talk about their difficult financial situation, about the lack of bread, about the worsening situation of the working class, etc.

The mood of discontent is also noted among up to 300 former Red partisans in Uman; the latter receive 300 g of bread per family, regardless of the number of family members.

In recent days, the former Red partisans have begun to collect money among the partisans in order to send a delegation to the center with a request for assistance in supplying them with bread. For the same purpose.

These are archival memos, reports on the state of affairs in the field, letters to members of the government about what was happening in Ukraine 1932-1933 only in Cherkassy region.... With positions, names and dates, recently removed from the archives of the government of Ukraine

They cite situations when parents deliberately drove their children to swelling for the sake of allocating aid, while hiding the available food.
Of course, it cannot be assumed that everyone who asked for bread and had supplies did it for their own benefit, some may have been afraid that in a month they would have no more supplies.

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