Vaccinating the Mind Viruses of Mass Mind Control - The Only Cure Is Care.

The final frontier of human experience is not atomic, not AI, not on Mars - it is within our own consciousness and the only way we can enter that realm is with an increased level of awareness and internal reflection. Without this we are zombies and puppets at best.

Almost everyone can agree that when we look at governments in many nations and examine their behaviour, we can easily find a wide variety of criminal and unethical behaviour being perpetrated by 'leaders' and their cronies. My regular readers will know that I am 100% clear that the evil involved is both vast and deliberately planned/intended in most cases.

While this side of the situation is somewhat obvious and while we can also hear/see the mainstream media facilitating this evil day in and day out in a variety of ways, there are other more insidious patterns involved that are not so obvious. It is very common for the largest media networks in nations to be covertly corporately controlled and/or mouthpieces for the government of the day, often spreading lies that further the power goals of politicians and their owners, while deleting important truth that doesn't serve those goals. The strategies used by politicians and media agents range from obvious to very well hidden and this is what I want to point to today.

Growing up I knew this was all going on (even aged 7 or 8) partially because I was related to a 'Lord' in the UK house of Lords. I also watched a lot of documentaries on TV about history and World War 2 in particular. I never had any trust for political power systems because they have proven over and over again for a very long time that the worst evils in the world tend to begin within them. I always thought, though, that I was too intelligent to get caught up in their mind control. However, I was mistaken.

It took me 20 years as an adult to uncover some of the most insidious patterns that are covertly used in news and media broadcasts to subtly warp our perception in ways that result in us losing power and others effectively stealing it by default. I don't claim to know all of the tricks being used, even now - but I know far more than most people I've ever met and I want to change that by sharing what I can see.

Today I heard a news report on 'GB News' which grabbed my attention for a reason that most people would never consider. GB News is a relatively new news network that was sold as a kind of rebellious and anti establishment news platform, but in reality has turned into yet another carbon copy of the other networks. Partially, this inability to genuinely evolve the narratives being broadcast is by design, but also it is because the presenters and other team members are heavily mind controlled themselves and have not done the work necessary to undo the programming they received as children and right through their lives.

The presenter was discussing the damage done to children due to COVID19 lockdowns and how the closure of schools didn't actually slow down the viral spread anyway - so the government's policy did nothing but harm children. On the surface, this gives the impression of being 'counter narrative' since the channel seemed to be challenging the government and their policies. There was something subtle involved though that was actually reinforcing dis-empowering mind control and that is what I want to highlight here.

The presenter said words to the effect of "What WE have done here is to harm children", as if it was everyone in Britain who participated in the process of shutting schools and pushing the government's COVID policies. In reality this is very far from the truth and many people such as myself were saying right from the start that the control policies were counter productive and likely to cause unnecessary harm/death. So, no, 'WE', did not do this to children - it was the government, the school system and many other members of the population that were responsible for this and not 'everyone'.

There are several subtle things happening here:

  • The news reporter is subtly programming the audience with a 'norm' which says that what governments do is actually what the population does. This gives the false impression that governments carry out the will of the people, when they mostly never do.
  • She also framed the situation as if there weren't dissenting voices who disagreed with the policies in question and that everyone agrees on important topics, which is simply not true.
  • The worst part here is that the audience's blame and emotions are subtly being redirected back to themselves, distracting away from the reality that specific people in governments and other organisations are the ones who harmed the children. This has an effect of redirecting the energy within people that might have taken action to solve the problem on a grand scale and framing it in a way that disables it in many people. It also weakens people internally because they begin to feel blamed for something they didn't do and which they can do little about. Such energetic manipulation actually serves the criminals who made the decisions in government as it weakens the population and serves to add the weight of the psychological and emotional blocks they have to taking real action to cause real change.

None of this would matter if everyone were fully conscious beings, but they are not. In truth, many people are so unconscious and semi-conscious that they are highly susceptible to suggestion and hypnotic programming. We can see this from Derren Brown's TV shows, among many other sources, where he has many times demonstrated how easy it often is to implant subliminal messages in people's minds in ways that almost no-one notices, which then affect their behaviour and choices.

So if beliefs and views are subtly reinforced without ever being highlighted, in mass media broadcasts, they have the effect of potentially dumbing down and warping public perception drastically. This is the reality of where many societies are today. Instead of mass media being a powerful way to expand minds and educate, it has largely become a way of transmitting harmful mind viruses.

In the broadcast today, in less than one second of time, the use of the word 'we' managed to feed into perpetuating a hugely disempowering view of our problems and how the problems can be fixed. We need to understand that, yes, we are one - we are a unity (of sorts) but we are also all individuals and when a sub group of the population makes bad decisions (and tries to force them onto everyone else), it is not the fault of EVERYONE.

Differentiation is key.

All that would have been necessary to convert a problematic use of language and concepts in this broadcast into an empowering, helpful equivalent, would be to highlight that the policies in question were only possible due to centralised power systems and the mass conformity that makes them possible. The solution to such problems must include decentralisation and in turn, this requires differentiation which respects individuality and understands that we all have our own destiny paths and free will.

The reality is that most people are so hideously brainwashed and trapped in patterns of conformity, that even those who think they are breaking free are really often just acting as another cog in the wheels of a machine of global enslavement. We need to be EXTREMELY careful with our thoughts and assess their capacity to either aid or harm us before we open our mouths and communicate with others. Essentially, we are all infected with mental viruses and the only cure is our own care for ourselves and each other.

Wishing you well,
Ura Soul

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