Our Role As Creators


Trapped within the languages we use,
we lose our ability for true expression
as we become confined within words and labels,
Boxes that prevent us from exploring our true potential.
Our movement, held within silent spaces,
as beyond the words we choose to try and comprehend,
awaits our visions,
our inner sight into the truth of our existence,
this connection, that leads us to understand,
that the threads, which hold our reality together,
are strengthened by our individuality,
our ability to become who we are meant to be,
and yet
we doubt our role as creators,
Falling inline with expectations and assumptions
of how we should behave,
our souls, yearning to be free of these constraints,
to rise about the weight of our inhibitions,
released from these shackles,
shackles placed upon us, by our own obedience and fear,
weaved into the fabric of our reality.
We yearn to test the crystal clear waters,
to step into the fragility of our surrender
and open ourselves up,
to the waves of self discovery,
that feed into our wisdom and all it's splendor.


As time progresses and we experience a time of rest, as the restrictions ease and we fall into a false sense of security. The biggest threat to us, is our own fear, it is the one thing that can rule us and destroy us. Giving into the ideas of others, falling in line with their narrative, forgetting that we are the creators of our own stories, our own reality. We hold the power for change, to create opportunities for ourselves and our communities.

Now is the time to reaccess, to step into our role as creators. To step into our power. As we find the solutions from within. To grow our own food and medicine, to step away from very things that wish to disempower us. We are far more powerful, than what we have been led to believe and when we come together with others, that power grows.

Community is the solution, in whatever form that comes. A convergence of minds, working for the greater good. For our greater good. To look at ways in which we can bring people together and break down the barriers, the stigma's, the labels that have been placed upon us.

Everyday brings with it, the opportunity for change, the opportunity to plant a seed, in the earth, in the minds of others. We get to chose how we interact with each other, how we interact with the world at large. We can be open and honest an lead from the heart, or we can close ourselves off and fend for ourselves. The choice is there.

Connection is everything, the connection we have with ourselves, with each other, the connection we have with nature. We can feed it, or we can starve it, but it is there and it is where our power lies.



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