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Creating Solutions - The Greater Reset!

I have always been a solutions person. I do not not wish to spend a lot of time focusing on problems. I want to know what is happening, to be informed, but don’t want to get lost in conversations about how things have changed or how they have all got to shit.


I want to come together with others and brainstorm, to inspire one another and create solutions, so that we can all move forward, more empowered then before. Everyday we continue to hear about new restrictions, new ways in which our freedoms are being taken away from us, with freedom of speech being the main focus at the moment.

However it seems that our freedom to choose how we live, is also under attack, especially where I reside.

So what to do? How to come up with solutions?

The first step is building community, connecting with like minded people and coming up with solutions. Educating ourselves, so that we are more aware, more prepared.

Tomorrow,The Greater Reset begins, a 6 day online activation event, that is all about solutions. This is one event that I am super excited about! There are so many amazing people who will be speaking at it and who will be sharing their wisdom, whilst inspiring us to create change. To create a better world for us and future generations.

There will be over 30 speakers and each day will focus on a different topic. It is highly recommended to watch this even with others, so that you can discuss what has been presented by each speaker and come up with solutions for your community. Hence why it is being referred to as an activation event. It is time to reject the new normal. To create an alternative to the world economic forum great Reset.

I am super excited to hear what the speakers have to share, some of them are people I have been following for a while, plus this week one of my hero’s came onboard. If you have been following me these last few months you will know I have written a few posts about some of the amazing things, that she has done. The latest, is her creation of Freedom Airways, travel for those of us who do not wish to be vaccinated or tested. She is also the president of both the World Doctors Alliance and the World Freedom Alliance. She will be speaking on the second day, a day which is dedicated to health and education.

Another hero of mine who is speaking, is Dr Vandana Shiva, she is a trained Physicist but later studies environmental policy and founded Navdanya, a projected created to protect the diversity of living resources, focusing a lot on seeds. I saw her speak at a Seed conference in France a few years ago and she is amazing, she has done so much to protect farming and seeds in India and she has so much to teach us. She will be speaking on the third day, which is all about Reconnecting to Nature.

There are so many other speakers that I could talk about, especially Derrick Broze and John Bush the founders of the freedom cell network and the organizers of this event. James Corbett, Marjory Wildcraft, Sayer Ji and Kelly Brogan and many more. But what’s more important, is taking the time to watch this free event. If it is not possible to watch it live, you can view it later on one of the following sites, Bitchute, Foote and LBRY, so make sure to sign up to one of them, so that you do not miss out.

Big shout out to @samstonehill for promoting this event and the wonderful @dbroze for organizing it. Let’s make 2021, the year of Solutions x

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