The Night Gods III (Sequel): Chapter 9 - Baraq


Gao Delun was a good man, Wu thought to himself, but he was the wrong kind of nationalist -- a democrat with aspirations of empowering the people -- the last thing the tongs or the government wanted was their very own George Washington or Lincoln. Mao and his “people’s revolution” was one of the greatest things ever for the tongs. In fact without the tongs, Mao’s movement would have fizzled out like a wet firecracker. Now that man understood that brute force was the only thing the people responded to. Meanwhile on the other side of the world...

In Vanessa's sprawling estate on the Hudson River in upstate New York, she and Yuri were enjoying a pleasant evening in front of the fireplace. Dinner over, the servants dismissed, they were sitting alone sipping scotch and cuddling. The estate had belonged to her husband's family and Vanessa had seldom visited before the war, but with her Georgetown townhouse destroyed, it was now her primary residence. Yuri lived there too when his government duties didn't require him to be elsewhere. As they sat, their reverie was interrupted by the ringing of Vanessa's cellphone...

"It's Gwen, dear," she said, "I should take it."

"Go ahead," Yuri told her, "it may be the information we've been waiting for."

"Gwen darling," Vanessa said, "It's late. My Lord it must be the middle of the night in Geneva."

"Two AM," Gwendolyn said, "But this is too important to wait. I have the name you want."

"I hoped that's what it was," Vanessa said, "in fact Yuri just said that as a matter of fact."

"Here it is, are you ready for this?" Gwendolyn asked mysteriously.

"Don't keep me in suspense," Vanessa replied. "What is it?"

"Baraq U' Bamah," Gwendolyn said with a laugh.

"Barack Obama?" Vanessa said incredulously. "You mean like the President?"

"No dear," Gwendolyn laughed. "Not O-bama... U bamah."

"I don't get it," Vanessa said confused.

"Barack Obama was African, from Kenya or something," Gwendolyn explained. "This guy is Palestinian -- he doesn't even spell it the same. Let me spell it for you."

"Hang on a sec," Vanessa said, "let me get a pen and paper."

"Ready?" Gwendolyn asked, after a moment.

"Go ahead," Vanessa said when she was ready.

"Ok, it's B-A-R-A-Q," Gwendolyn said. "Last name U apostrophe, capital B-A-M-A-H."

"Got it, thanks," Vanessa replied. "Anything else?"

"My beloved father says he's going to be a very important man," Gwen said. "He says he's going to bring peace to the world."

"That sounds ominous. Any kind of peace your father and his merry band are involved with, I'm not sure I want any part of." Vanessa told her cousin warily.

"Amen to that darling," Gwendolyn replied. "Watch out for him. Don't trust anything he says or does, that's what I advise."

"I'll tell Yuri," Vanessa said with a yawn. "And thanks again dear. I know it's late so I won't keep you. If there's anything else you hear that might be useful, give me a buzz."

"Good night dear," Gwendolyn replied.

"Good night," Vanessa said back before hanging up.

Baraq Hammad U'Bamah was born in the small city of Beit Hanoun, in the Northeast Gaza strip -- the son of a Palestinian woman. Baraq was the result of his mother being raped by an Israeli soldier when she was a teenage girl. She would recount the experience to him from early childhood, telling him it was a sign from Allah that he was destined for the great retribution -- his own personal Jihad. He would accomplish many great things in his lifetime, his doting mother would tell him.

It was also since early childhood that Baraq was plagued by dreams -- dreams of women being brutally raped and often murdered in graphic and lurid detail. He attributed the dreams to his mother's constant reminders of her own experience at the hands of the occupiers. This fueled a hatred of the Israelis that would follow him throughout his life. He would serve Allah by making the transgressors pay for their sins. Accompanying the dreams was a word- indistinguishable- one that repeated itself in each and every dream, edayh, or itzahk, or something similar. There was also an image, equally indistinguishable -- the image of a face, one he could never quite make out.

During his childhood Baraq and his childhood friend Hassan became involved in acts of rebellion against the Israeli occupation. When they were as young as 4 or 5 they and their friends would throw rocks at the soldiers patrolling the streets -- it became a game, throwing rocks then running away. The older he got, the more involved he became in the resistance. As he got older, his level of violence grew proportionately. By his early teens Baraq was adept in making boobytraps and equally proficient in making homemade explosives. At his school he was known as a natural leader, the undisputed leader of a gang of boys that would attract the attention of groups such as Hamas and the PLO as they grew older. He was also gaining unwanted attention from Israeli authorities and at 17 he and his friends left for southern Lebanon to join up with Hezbollah.

As he grew into manhood, his striking good looks began to attract attention from the opposite sex as well. His jet black hair and green eyes -- a trait he assumed he inherited from his rapist father -- set him apart. The blurred indistinguishable face of his dreams he also believed was that of his father's along with the word he couldn't quite make out; it must be a name. The dreams haunted him constantly evoking unpleasant but strangely familiar sensations.

When the US invaded Iraq in 2001, Baraq and Hassan went there. His expertise with explosives, Hassan's fluency in languages, along with their devotion to fight their common enemies made them a welcome addition to Al Qaeda. Baraq admired Al Qaeda, they were organized and it was they and their allies that were able to provide Hassan and him with the forged documents necessary to travel unimpeded throughout the Middle East. But no matter where he was, he was always accompanied by the dreams and the distorted image. It was when he was in Syria fighting for the Islamic State that he had a dream of a different sort.

Since childhood Baraq always believed the dreams to be prophesy -- that there was a much deeper meaning, something to be revealed later. It was confusing to him as he had no inclinations toward being a rapist himself, so he believed them to be about the unknown father he had come to instinctively despise. Hassan could provide no explanation either. They had been friends all their lives and Hassan was the only person other than his mother that knew his secrets. While Baraq's expertise lied in explosives, Hassan's was languages, he had a knack for them. He was fluent in Arabic, Farsi, English and French. He also shared Baraq's view that the dreams were prophetic and that his friend was destined for great things.

The new dream had both of them baffled. In the new dream Baraq was the focal point, not an observer, there were no victimized women and the indistinct face was absent as well. In the new dream Baraq had become a great man, a leader of nations. It was this dream that motivated them both to leave Syria and travel as refugees to Europe where they would eventually meet up with Lord Penrose. Travelling under forged passports they went first to Germany where they spent a couple of months before leaving for France.

They arrived in Paris, chosing it because of its large Muslim population. While there they were involved in a couple of terrorist attacks. Hassan's knowledge of French proved an invaluable asset. Both Hassan and Baraq became fond of the Parisian nightlife. Hassan's fluent French and Baraq's stunning good looks made them both popular outside the Muslim community. While at their favorite bistro one evening they met Rene St. Simone, a member of the French Council. They became immediate friends, St. Simone introduced them both to French society where they were an instant hit. When the war broke out, they accompanied him to Geneva where Baraq was brought to the attention of Lord Penrose. They didn’t know it, butPenrose had the key to unlock the secrets of Baraq's past.

Their first meeting was uncomfortable to say the least, particularly for Baraq and his friend. Being devout Muslims, they didn't like Lord Penrose from the beginning. His opulent and decadent lifestyle sickened them both as did his coterie of perverse acting friends. It was only after Penrose began his explanation that things began to change. Hassan had been tutoring Baraq in English, but he still needed his friend's assistance to understand Penrose's explanation.

"We've been watching you all of your life, Baraq," he explained. "You're not who you think you are."

"I do not understand," Baraq remarked. "Am I not Baraq U Bamah?"

"Yes," Penrose replied. "You are Baraq Hammad U'Bamah. What do you know of your father?"

"That he was an Israeli soldier who forced himself on my mother," Baraq spat after answering.

"No," Penrose told the confused man. "That man was not your father. I have many things to tell you, things you will find difficult to believe -- but they are all absolutely true."

"What things?" Baraq wanted to know, but he was afraid at the same time.

"How much do you trust your friend here?" Penrose asked, pointing at Hassan. "St. Simone here speaks Arabic if you prefer your friend not hear."

"Hassan has been there all of my life," Baraq replied, "he is my brother -- I trust him with my life."

"Very well then," Penrose said. "Have you ever believed that you were destined for other things, great things?"

"I had a dream..." Baraq began.

"Ah yes, the dreams," Penrose interrupted.

"You know of the dreams?" Baraq was really confused now. How could this infidel know of the dreams?

"Let's begin with your father," Penrose said patiently. "To begin with, your mother was never raped. She was selected because she was a chaste girl of 16."

"Selected?" Baraq looked up at the older man.

"Selected to carry the seed of a very great man," Penrose intoned looking upward. "Your father wasn't Israeli, he was an American -- you have his eyes."

A kernel was beginning to sprout in Baraq's mind, the face of his dreams. "Who was this man?" He asked.

"The Chosen One," Penrose told him. "Just as you are the Chosen One."

"Chosen by whom?" Baraq asked, eyes narrowing.

"By the Ancient Ones, the Gods of this world," Penrose said reverently. "Your father carried the DNA of the Ancient Ones.

"But what of Allah?" Baraq wanted to know.

"Forget Allah, "Penrose said derisively. "The delusions of a disturbed man."

Baraq didn't like where this was going, nor did Hassan he could tell. Both were devout Muslims, warriors in Jihad, in service of Allah.

"You have dreams," Penrose went on, "the dreams of your father."

"But how can you know of my dreams?" Baraq asked.

"We know many things," Penrose said mysteriously.

"Tell me what you know of my dreams," Baraq said firmly.

"They are of women," Penrose told him, "the deeds of your father."

"Tell me of my father then," Baraq ordered.

"Your father was Chosen as a boy," Penrose began, "chosen by the Night Gods, the Ancient Gods of this world. Chosen in boyhood to perform many roles, some as a warrior as you are, some different. He carried the seed of an ancient bloodline, the bloodline of those who will control the world."

"What of the women?" Baraq was perplexed.

"Nothing," Penrose replied blythely, "merely sacrifices."

"His name," Baraq asked, "what was his name?"

"Edward Phillips, Eddie he was called," Penrose said retrieving a photo from a manila envelope. "This was your father Baraq."

Baraq took the photo, studying it. There it was, the face from the dreams, clear now, and the word, not edyah, but Eddie.

"He was chosen," Penrose went on, "just as your mother was chosen to carry his seed -- you Baraq. Chosen for her chastity, chaste then, chaste now. She has never known a man."

"What of me?" Baraq asked. "What is wanted of me?"

"The Ancient Ones manifested themselves in your father," Penrose told him, "and he in you. His seed was taken from one of the sacrifices and saved. It was then implanted in your mother at just the right time. You are the Chosen One, Baraq, the new Messiah... the living manifestation of the Night Gods on this earth."

"And I am to serve you?" Baraq asked suspiciously.

"No Master," Pennrose responded bowing, "it is we who serve you."

Baraq was bewildered, from a life of poverty in Gaza to this...

"You have much to think about," Penrose said. "St. Simone will take you to your new home. I took the liberty of buying you a villa not far away -- I hope it is to your liking. We have also opened accounts for you at Banque Suisse. Go now to your new home and we'll discuss your future later," Penrose said bowing deeply from the waist.

"I have observed Satan fall like Baraq U Bamah (lighting from the sky)" Luke 10:18


Sudden and overwhelming wealth was something Przybysz was having some difficulty getting used to. He had come to depend heavily on Collins, something with which he wasn't particularly comfortable. Collins was solid, trustworthy, but Przybysz came from a world in which trust was a luxury that one could rarely afford. Przybysz didn't like having to depend on anyone -- he was always the one to be depended on, not the other way around. Collins had called, asking him to meet at the house in Virginia. Anica was insistent on going along to see it, so Przybysz decided to ask Ann to go along. It took some doing, but with a little persuasion from Ann's daughter Barbara along, with Anica's childlike innocence, she finally agreed.

It was on the way, in Przybysz's new limo, that he clumsily revealed the real reason he wanted Ann to come along...

"I'm happy you decided to come Ann," he began, "there's something I’ve been wanting to ask you."

"What is it?" she responded. "Is something wrong?"

"You've been like a mother to Anica," he said. "I don't know what I'd have done without you."

"She's like my own daughter," Ann replied, patting Anica's knee.

"And I think we get along pretty good," he continued fumbling in the pockets of his coat. "I ah, think you're... That is, that you've been a big help with everything else too... And I like you a lot..."

"Are you asking me to marry you?" Ann asked, her eyebrow arched. Anica began to giggle. Here was this big man that had killed people easily and was fumbling around like a tongue-tied schoolboy.

"Well, I ah..." Przybysz found the small box he was looking for and opened it. "I wanted someone to share all this with, and a real mother for Anica, and I really like you Ann and I respect you. If you don't like me, I understand. I'm not handsome or anything and I've been a pretty bad guy..."

"Of course I'll marry you," Ann smiled. Anica started jumping up and down clapping her hands. Ann leaned over and kissed his face lightly.

Przybysz held the box out withdrawing a sizable diamond ring. "I hope it fits," he said.

"Oh my God Prz," Ann exclaimed, "it must have cost a fortune."

"Well, my dear," he said, "a fortune is what we have -- there is one catch, I want to adopt Anica as soon as possible."

"Of course dear," Ann smiled, "that goes without saying."

Anica jumped on them and began hugging them both: "We'll be a real family." She could barely contain her excitement.

"We can get married at the house in Virginia," Przybysz said. "Wait until you see it, it's beautiful, an old plantation house."

"That sounds wonderful," Ann replied. "I can't wait to see it. I was beginning to think I was going to have to ask you," she said, blushing.

"We'll have to call Dick and have him bring Kyle and Barb," Przybysz said.

"That's not necessary," the chauffeur said over the intercom -- it was Dick. "You didn't think you were going to slip off by yourselves did you? By the way Prz, you really need to work on your technique with the ladies, you sounded like a love-sick school kid."

"I'll call the kids," Ann said, "you call Yuri and Vanessa. I like them and I want Vanessa's help with the wedding."

It was settled. The wedding would be in a week, a small affair. In addition to the bride and groom, the wedding party would consist of Dick, Kyle and Barbara, Anica, Yuri and Vanessa and Collins the lawyer. Ann was duly impressed by the grandeur of the Doctor's Willowbrook estate. As she walked from room to room she shook her head in awe.

"This is where we're going to live?" She asked. It was a stark contrast to Dick's Ozark compound that she had become accustomed to.

"Is that what you want?" Przybysz asked.

"I don't know," she replied, "I'm torn -- they need us in Arkansas, but..."

"We'll be fine in Arkansas," Dick informed her, "your place is here with Prz. His role has changed, so has yours too. Our cause will continue, but we all have to play our parts... whatever they may be."

"He's right," Przybysz replied. "Our roles are different now. Besides, we're only a day's drive away -- it's not like they're on the other side of the world."

Dick left to fetch Ann's kids and preparations for the wedding were in full swing. Ames, the elderly butler, entered the study where Przybysz and Ann were going over Anica's adoption with Collins.

"May I offer my congratulations Sir," he said. "The Doctor would be very pleased, I think."

"Thank you Ames," Przybysz replied. "What are your plans now that the Doctor is gone? I've meant to speak to you about it."

"Plans, Sir?" Ames asked. "I'd like to stay here if I may. I served the Doctor for over 40 years."

"Of course," Przybysz told the elderly man. "You're welcome here as long as you wish, isn't he Ann?"

"Yes, of course," Ann said.

"I just wanted you to know that if you wanted to retire, you'll be well provided for," Przybysz said. "The Doctor made provisions for you in his estate, you'll be one of the wealthiest butlers there is." He smiled, "You're pretty well off now."

"This is all I know, Sir," Ames said. "I wouldn't know what else to do..."

"Well, if there's anything you want to do, you certainly afford it," Przybysz told him. "If you want to take a vacation, or anything else, just say so."

"Thank you Sir," Ames replied.

"Have you made plans for your honeymoon?" Collins asked.

"I haven't given it any thought," Przybysz said. "In fact, I'm still amazed she said yes. Is there anywhere you want to go Ann?"

"I've never seen Europe," she said. "I'd like to see it, what's left of it. Maybe we could get Yuri and Vanessa to come along and show it to us."

"That may be a very good idea," Collins cut in. "There are people there you need to meet, you could kill two birds with one stone, so to speak."

"We'll be like spies," Ann laughed, "pretending to be tourists on their honeymoon, and of course Anica will come along."

"We'll run it by them when they arrive," Przybysz said with a grin. "If they agree, we'll join the jet set. We'll become globetrotters."

Yuri and Vanessa were thrilled at the prospect of showing Europe to the newlyweds. The wedding itself was a beautiful affair, small but elegant. Barbara and Vanessa were in charge of decorations and Anica helped. The large entry hall was artfully festooned with pink and white flowers and the ceremony was performed by a priest at Ann's insistence, quite illegally, in the study. Kyle Barbara and Dick left soon after wishing the newlyweds luck and a lifetime of love. Both Kyle and Barbara both approved of Przybysz, they both respected and admired him.

Przybysz and the others gathered with Collins in the study to discuss travel plans. Ames came to serve drinks.

"How are we going to get to Europe?" Ann wanted to know. "Will we fly commercial, or go by boat?"

"What about your plane Sir?" Ames asked.

"My plane?" Przybysz looked shocked. "I have a plane?"

"It was the Doctor's," Collins interrupted. "A Falcon 8X, he used for business. It'll get you to Europe easily."

"A plane," Przybysz shook his head in amazement, "we're aristocrats Ann dear. What do you think about that, you married an aristocrat."

"I knew it all along," she laughed, "you didn't think I married you for your looks did you?"

"So that was it," he said with a grin, "you were only after my money."

Ann took his face in both hands. "I knew you were a good man from the start Prz. A man of respect. A man of honor."

The trip, as planned, would serve two purposes, a honeymoon and an opportunity for Przybysz, as the Doctor's representative to meet allies in the Council. At Vanessa's insistence they would begin the trip by visiting Geneva, the new world capital... she was anxious they meet her cousin Gwendolyn who knew all the best people, as well as the most popular European vacation spots for the rich and famous.

Anica was frightened at the prospect of returning to Europe, the home of so many bad memories, but with Ann's reassurances, she went along. Collins had already arranged for the adoption. It went through almost before the ink on the marriage certificate was dry, thanks to a friendly judge who made it a mere formality. She was now officially a member of the family. Her enthusiasm for life and childlike innocence in the face of her earlier life was a source of inspiration for all.

They stopped briefly in London to refuel the plane. Heathrow had been reopened for some time and the resurrection of the city was well underway, as it was throughout Europe. It would once again be a busy metropolis. With the plane refueled, it was on to Geneva.

Ann was amazed at the opulence of the guarded city. Except for the omnipresence of the uniformed UN troops, it looked much as it had before the war. Anica and Ann both stared out of the windows of the hired limo in wonder at the splendor of the mansions on the way to the Penrose estate. Vanessa pointed out the homes of the rich and famous along the way. Upon their arrival, they were greeted by one of the many servants and shown to Gwendolyn's rooms -- she was expecting them.

"So these are the newlyweds," she exclaimed in delight. "It's so wonderful to meet you."

Ann was impressed by her genuineness and candor. "I'm happy you invited us," she said, "what a beautiful home."

"You mean house," Gwendolyn corrected her laughing, "I'd hardly call it a home."

"Gwen dear," Vanessa said kissing both of Gwendolyn's cheeks, "Thank you so much for inviting us."

"Well, cuz, I see so little of you these days," Gwendolyn said smiling. "Why don't you and that handsome man of your's go down and steal a bottle of father dear's best champagne while I get acquainted with the newlyweds."

When they were alone, Gwendolyn turned to Przybysz: "We don't have much time Mr. Przybysz," she said. Her voice had a familiar ring -- it was in the way she said 'Mr. Przybysz': "We've spoken before," she said shaking his hand, "I'm Fawkes. I need you to contact our people in Italy. China's lost I'm afraid, Gao's dead, assassinated. I'd like you to meet with Alessandra and Father Tony personally, it's going to be important that we all know one another."

"What's going on?" Przybysz asked.

"I'm not sure yet," she said. "Something about the election next year. Vanessa and Yuri don't know about my other identity yet. They're trustworthy but for safety's sake I thought it better this way. What they don’t know can’t be squeezed out of them. I plan to tell them, but I wanted to speak with you first."

"I understand," Przybysz replied. "Whatever you need from me, just let me know."

"I shall," Gwendolyn said. "I'll stay in touch. I really wanted to meet you personally. The Doctor thought the world of you -- he was a great man."

"He was indeed," Przybysz responded, "he'll be missed."

"I'm certain you'll do him proud," Gwendolyn said. "Now who's this beautiful young lady?"

"This is our daughter, Anica," Ann replied, putting her arm around Anica's shoulders. "Prz rescued her from Denning before he died."

"Well," Gwendolyn said with a smile, "I'm very happy to know you Anica."

"Thank you," Anica said with a bow, eyes wide, "You're so beautiful, like a princess."

Gwendolyn laughed: "You're very pretty yourself. Come with me." She led Anica to her dressing table opening her jewelry box. "Here, this will go beautifully with your eyes. I want you to have it." She gave Anica a sapphire and diamond necklace.

"Oh I couldn't..." Anica replied looking at Ann who nodded assent. "Thank you very much."

"You deserve them," Gwendolyn laughed. "I hope you don't mind me spoiling her a bit."

Vanessa and Yuri returned with the champagne in a silver chilling bucket.

"What are you up to now?" Vanessa asked.

"Look," Anica exclaimed, showing off her necklace.

"Spoiling her already," Vanessa laughed, "they're lovely dear."

"I've got another surprise," Gwendolyn replied. "Open the champagne. I think it's time to reveal our secret Mr. Przybysz."

"It's your call," Przybysz said.

"Vanessa dear," Gwendolyn put her hand on her cousin's shoulder. "You know about Fawkes-,the one that's been helping fund the resistance. Well dear, it's me, I've been working with them all along."

"What?" Vanessa exclaimed in surprise. "You?"

"I wanted to tell you before, but I was afraid to put you in danger," Gwendolyn revealed. "At first I did it to get back at my father and those animals he's involved with -- Beck and the others. But then, the more I began to understand the resistance movement, the more involved I became."

"Well, the more you think you know someone..." Vanessa said with a smile. "I wouldn't have suspected in a million years. Then you knew about that U'Bamah character all along."

"I'm sorry dear, I couldn't let anyone know," Gwendolyn said. "If my father ever finds out... you know what he's capable of, and no to your question, I called only an hour or so after I found out."

"Your secret's safe with us," Vanessa assured her cousin. "Why don't you come away with us?"

"I can do more good here, but if things get too dangerous..." Gwendolyn said, retrieving a small suitcase from her closet. "Mr. Przybysz, please bring this to our friends in Italy. It's full of cash that they need badly. Yuri, if your people don't already know, Gao has been killed and China, I'm afraid, is lost -- at least for now."

"I've heard," Yuri told her sadly. "He was a good man. Zhao is controlled by the tongs, they just used Gao to get rid of the UN troops and the remnants of the army. Now the tongs will take over. We've written them off, they were a source of cheap labor -- now the whole world is."

As they were preparing to leave, Anica was admiring her necklace in the mirror, Gwendolyn turned to Przybysz and Ann. "Stop back in Geneva before you return to America, there are people here you need to meet. I'll make the necessary arrangements. Say hello to our friends in Italy and enjoy Europe. Father Tony is going to be a very important man, I think. Not everybody has given up on Christianity and when the next conflict begins, it will be for people's souls.

With that, the newlyweds were off to Catania.

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