The Night Gods III (Sequel) Chap. 6: China Moon


A Chinese lab being instrumental in providing the virus for the manufactured crisis that launched the war brought the country a certain amount of security from the UN’s tyranny. The original plan was for China to supplant the US as the next global superpower, but that would have meant surrendering too much power to the Chinese communists -- something the Councils would never allow. The Council’s interests in the US and Europe were closely aligned in terms of globalization, however, the fierce nationalism of the Chinese and their own penchant for global power set the two sides apart.

Even with, or perhaps because of, the omnipresent UN stranglehold on the world, the winds of liberty were picking up momentum. China, after decades of Maoist tyranny, was finding the added UN presence, as limited as it was, intolerable. Having modeled much of their eugenics program after China's population control schema, the UN was counting on China's complicity... and the "human weeds were becoming increasingly angry.

Because of Premier Zhao's support for N. Korea, Beijing and Shanghai had been targeted during the war along with the laboratory in Wuhan where the virus was developed. Hong Kong now served as the capital -- it was the only major city remaining in China. It was also the home of Wu Feng, the leader of the tongs -- as it had been before the war. It was a very dangerous place for Gao Delun, who had to assume a myriad of disguises to enter and exit. He preferred the relative anonymity of the provinces.

However, it was necessary from time to time for him to meet with the Venerable Wu, as he was commonly known the Tong leader. The tongs had learned to adapt over the centuries and could flourish in any political and economic environment, but naturally preferred the freedom of the open market. The UN presence constituted more of a nuisance than anything else, but it was an impediment the tongs would rather see removed and Gao was the key... he had their full support.

Wu Feng had a palatial home on The Peak, as well as a luxurious condo in the fashionable Repulse Bay. He owned an import/export business specializing in art and oriental artifacts. The vast majority of his wealth, however, came from the tongs. His offices, which he seldom visited, were in the business district of Kowloon, but sharing the Chinese love of gambling, he liked to spend as much time as he could at the racetrack in Happy Valley. On the occasions when he visited his offices, he travelled by the ferry with several bodyguards. It was often there, in the hub-bub of commuter traffic that he would meet Gao Delun... but it was most often that Gao would visit one of his many shops.

One of Wu's shops was on Hollywood Road in the fashionable Sheung Wan shopping district and it was there that Gao waited patiently for Wu's arrival. He had arrived minutes before disguised as a disgruntled rickshaw boy. He entered the shop and angrily demanded in broken English...

"I bring man... He say, you wait. He no come back... you pay!"


"There's no man here... Now get out of here," the clerk replied in a haughty tone, "before I call the police."

"I call police," the driver said closing his left eye and tugging on his right ear.

The clerk, recognizing the signal immediately said: "Come right this way please. I'll see that you get your money."

He showed Gao to the office in the back of the store. Beneath a tapestry was a false wall, a sliding panel that led to a stairwell leading down to the basement. Wu used it for storage and inside was another office, this one furnished in the old Chinese style.

"I didn't recognize you honorable Gao," the clerk said in perfect Mandarin bowing slightly. "The Venerable Wu is on his way, can I offer you tea?"

"No thank you," Gao replied, returning the bow. "I'll wait for the Venerable Wu."

He didn't have long to wait. Moments later Wu came in through the back entrance. The clerk had returned to the store.

"Honorable Gao Delun," Wu bowed. "I trust your wait was not too long or uncomfortable," he said in English. "Did my unworthy clerk offer you tea?"

"Not at all, Venerable One," Gao said, bowing himself. "Your honorable clerk offered me tea, I declined to wait for your honorable presence."

Both Gao and Wu Feng observed the old traditions of the China that existed before Mao's Cultural Revolution -- the traditions both were fighting to preserve.

"May I now offer tea?" Wu asked. "I'm afraid it is not very good," he said bowing slightly, "hardly a worthy offering."

"I'm certain it is wonderful tea, Venerable Wu," Gao replied.

They enjoyed their tea exchanging pleasantries and news from the provinces. When tea was finished, it was time for business.

"We need supplies for Guangzhou Province. The troops are gathering strength there for an incursion inland. We must stop them there," Gao began. "We need your help once more Honorable Wu."

"Why is the UN sending troops here?" Wu asked. "China is hardly a part of the evil conflict, our fight is with the People's Army.

"They figure with UN backing they can stop us more quickly," Gao said. "Then they can move troops elsewhere along with members of the PLA to stop trouble elsewhere, probably the US. We are determined to end this quickly," Venerable one.

"How may I be of service, honorable Gao Delun?" Wu asked.

"We have allies coming in from the provinces," Gao began, "But they are poor and unarmed. Manpower we have in abundance, supplies we do not. With your help, Venerable One, we can fight the decisive battle to end this and restore China to the old ways."

"You must make a detailed list of what you believe you will need," Wu said, "and I will send word out to the tongs."

"I knew I could count on you, Venerable One," Gao replied, "I have anticipated your wish and prepared a list."

Always, my friend. We fight the same fight, Honorable Gao. You in your way and I in mine," Wu said with a bow. "How soon do you need them?"

"We are planning now, but planning to move by the first of the new year, in two months," Gao said.

That should be plenty of time," Wu told him reading the list. "Your needs are modest, I believe we can exceed them. Send me word beforehand and I will make certain the local tongs provide support."

Gao stood and bowed: "Your able and generous assistance is more than we could have hoped for, Venerable One," he said, “your wisdom and benevolence are indeed legendary."

"As is your bravery, my honorable friend," Wu replied with a bow. "Now we must prepare for your departure -- I have made the necessary arrangements."

Gao would leave through the back of the store disguised as a delivery truck driver carrying an order to a patron in the New Territories.

In Geneva word of Wade's death had reached Oliveira and he was incensed. He called Behrmann to his office.

"Reinhardt," he began, "this business in America will not be tolerated. I want more troops. I told Patterson to focus on those broadcasts, but now I want a crackdown, a big one."

"We're stretched pretty thin as it is," Mr. President," Behrmann replied, "I don't know where we'll get them."

"Take them out of the China contingent," Oliveira told him. "It shouldn't take much to put those Chinese rebels down, we're only providing support for the PLA anyway."

"Very well, Mr. President," Behrmann said. "We can always increase conscription if we need to."

"In tonight's address, I want to focus on Wade, a tribute," Oliveira said. "You focus on the criminality of his murder, the 'we won't let this cowardly deed go unpunished' angle."

"Of course, Mr. President," Behrmann said solemnly. "I'll write it myself."

When Behrmann was gone, Oliveira's phone rang, it was his assistant: "Mr. President," he said, "I have Mr. Beck on the line."

"Thank you, Raoul" he said, "I'll take it."

"Good afternoon, Mr. President," Beck said tersely, "I suppose you know about Wade..."

"Yes, Mr. Beck," Oliveira said, "a tragedy, a cowardly criminal act -- this will not be tolerated. It will be the topic of tonight's address."

"Those addresses won't stop a thing," Beck returned bitterly. "Nobody listens to them, except at the beginning hoping for cartoons. I want to know what you're going to do about Wade."

"I hoped you might have a suggestion," Oliveira began, "or perhaps his Lordship..."

"Listen to me you fucking buffoon. Lord Penrose is most unhappy," Beck said. "We put you in office because we thought you might at least show a little initiative. You're the president, not me. Do you mean to tell me you're going to do nothing more than give one of your idiotic speeches?"

Oliveira wasn't used to being spoken to like this, but it was Beck, a high ranking member of the Council. He swallowed deeply before answering: "I only thought..." he said meekly.

"No Oliveira," Beck cut in, "you didn't think. What was that business with Patterson about anyway?"

"I merely asked him to redouble his efforts to find the source of the broadcasts and sent Wade to find out what he needed," Oliveira began.

Beck cut him off again: "Look you have less than a year left before the next election... and I think I can speak for the Councils when I say, we're not happy with the way things have been going. If you want our support, you better start putting your house in order."

"Yes Sir," Oliveira said into the dead phone. He sank into his chair, despondent. He decided that in his address he would play peacemaker and let Behrmann assume the "bad cop" role.

"Citizens of the World," he began. "This lawlessness is unnecessary. The murder of Minister Wade, while a criminal act, was understandable... and terribly, not to mention tragically ill advised. I sent Minister Wade to meet with a representative of President Patterson carrying an olive branch. It was a mission of peace. His message was simple, to relax the curfews and economic sanctions against the United States in hope of mutual cooperation and to allow Mr. Shoemaker's broadcasts to go on unabated. Now I'm afraid that a group of criminals have undermined my plans for peace and made that impossible. It is with a heavy heart that I must inform you, my people, that a criminal element within the United States has dashed my peace initiative to bits. Now Chancellor Behrmann will tell you of what is to come."

Behrmann's message was short and to the point, if the US wanted violence they would get it -- in spades. There would be more troops, heavier economic sanctions and strictly enforced curfews. All troops destined for China would now be redeployed to America. Bad news perhaps for the patriots in America, but a godsend for Gao Delun and his compatriots in China.

In Arkansas a cellphone Dick hadn't used for several years began to ring. At first he stared at it suspiciously, but when he checked the caller ID, it was a familiar name -- Yuri.

"Yuri?" Dick asked, still not believing his eyes.

"You made it my friend?" It was more a question than a statement. "But then, I would not have expected otherwise."

"I'm guessing you did too," Dick replied. "Where are you?"

"In the US," Yuri said, "as part of the Russian delegation."

"With the UN?" Dick asked suspiciously.

"Not exactly," Yori told him," I still represent my country... Fuck the UN!"

Dick was still suspicious, it not only was his nature, but why would the Russian contact him after three years?

"What's up?" he asked, trying not to let the suspicion show in his voice. "You didn't call to catch up on old times, I think."

"No I didn't," Yuri replied. "Look Dick, I know you don't have any reason to trust me, except that I still owe you my life and to a Russian that means everything."

"Ok my friend," Dick said, still in a cautionary mode, but Yuri had always proved honorable as an adversary and trustworthy as a friend, especially in the plot against Denning. He could have tipped any number of people off. "What can I do for you?" He asked.

"You mean what can I do for you." Yuri said. "You could use a friend in high places as you Americans say. Is Prz still around? I have a message for him."

"Yeah, he's here," Dick said. "What's up with Prz?"

"An old friend needs him," Yuri replied cryptically. "Is there any way I can speak to him? These phones are still encrypted aren't they?"

"Yes, of course they are," Dick told him. "Didn't you try his phone?"

"Yes, but it went straight to voicemail and it says his mailbox is full," Yuri replied.

"I'll run him down," Dick said, "he's around here somewhere... I'll have him call you right back at this number."

"Ok my friend," Yuri said. "Please try not to take too long... Time is of the essence and this is very important."

Dick found Przybysz down in the kitchen chatting away with Ann and Anica.

"I just got a most interesting phone call," he said.

Przybysz looked up surprised: "Who?"

"Yuri," Dick told his astonished friend. "By the way, do you still have that old encrypted phone?" They had stopped using them during the war when communications were down. The bills were all paid automatically out of a shadow account at a bank.

"Somewhere," Przybysz replied casually, "packed away I guess. I haven't seen it in ages. What did Yuri want?"

"You," Dick said, "he said he has an important message for your ears only I guess."

"Who from?" Przybysz asked with a puzzled look.

"He wouldn't say," Dick replied. "How much do you trust him?"

"I haven't given it a lot of thought lately to tell the truth. How much can you trust anybody these days," Przybysz said, more as a statement than a question. "He was a lot of help in that business with Denning -- he seems honorable enough I guess."

"Well, " Dick said, handing him the phone, "he wants you to call back right away. the number's on the caller ID."

Przybysz rang the number and Yuri answered right away. "Prz," he asked, "is that you?"

"Yeah buddy," Przybysz replied casually, looking at Dick. "Dick said you have a message for me, what's up?"

"A friend of yours needs to see you right away," Yuri returned. "He's not well and he needs to see you. This is really important Prz."

"Who?" Przybysz asked. Who could Yuri know from Przybysz's past... he didn't have to wait long for his answer.

"The Doctor," Yuri told him. "He's dying and he asked for you. He says he needs to tell you some things before he goes."

"How bad is it?" Przybysz asked, "and how do you know him?"

"Pretty bad, I'm guessing, to answer your first question," Yuri informed him, "and Vanessa, my American girlfriend to answer the second. She's a Council member from one of the European Councils. I'm not sure exactly how it's set up. I'm not sure any but a very few actually do. She's kind of a liaison from the Council in England to the one in America... something like that. She only tells me so much, after all, I'm just a Russian peasant," he laughed.

"Where is he?" Przybysz asked his voice full of concern. "Where are you?"

"Vanessa and I are with him now, in Virginia," Yuri told him. "He has a place in the western part of the state, an old plantation or something. Can you come here?"

"I'm not sure how I'd pull it off," Przybysz said uncertainly. "Travel is pretty dicey these days."

"I can take care of the transportation," Yuri informed him. "I have unlimited travel passes -- diplomatic. I can come to get you."

"Hmmm..." Przybysz was thinking.

"I know what you're thinking, Prz, it's not a trap," Yuri said sincerely. "This is on the level. I swear on my life. Listen Prz, I'm on your side, so is Vanessa."

"Side?" Przybysz asked suspiciously. "What side?"

Yuri laughed. "Prz, I know you and Dick and if there's a resistance against the UN, you guys are most likely at the center of it. Like I said, I'm on your side. I don't like them any more than you do. We learned our lesson about totalitarianism in Russia years ago -- remember?"

"Ok Yuri," Przybysz said. "I'll trust you, for the Doctor's sake. I'll meet you."

"Just say where and when. The sooner the better though, and we'll be there."

"We?" Przybysz asked.

"Me and Vanessa," Yuri laughed. "Who did you expect? We'll come in a limo and pick you up -- you know, Russian flags and everything."

"Are you shitting me?" Przybysz asked incredulously.

"Vanessa is related to Lord Penrose somehow -- cousins or something," Yuri told him. "She hates him. That guy is pure evil Prz, but she keeps channels open and funnels info to me. She's a regular Mata Hari."

"Jesus," Przybysz said amazed. "This just gets better and better. There's a town called Clarksville, Arkansas on I-40, do you know it?"

"I can find it," Yuri replied, "or at least my driver can."

"Meet me there tomorrow night at 7:00 PM," Przybysz said. "Can you make it by then?"

"We'll be there," Yuri said, "and Prz, try to relax. This is on the level."

"Ok buddy," Przybysz said, "after what you told me, I figured it was, otherwise how would you know the Doctor."

Przybysz did trust Yuri -- as much as you could trust anybody these days. He would have plenty of security in strategic places out of sight, just in case. Dick would watch from a safe distance with Kyle. Dick with night vision binoculars, Kyle with his beloved Chey-Tac.

At precisely 7:00 PM on the appointed day, a limousine pulled up to where Przybysz was waiting. Yuri stepped out and with a grin, raised his hands high above his head and turned around.

See," he said, still smiling," don’t shoot, it’s not a trap."

Przybysz looked inside the limo, it's only occupant was an extremely attractive woman Przybysz guessed to be in her late 40's or early 50's. He waved to Dick and climbed in. The woman was indeed Vanessa, Yuri's "American girlfriend."She made the ride to Virginia as entertaining as it was informative. The more I see of your beautiful country, the more I like it.”

Vanessa was "old money," an authentic Boston Back Bay blueblood and former beauty queen, educated at Bryn Mawr. She had the best of everything her entire life and it showed. Even at 51 she was a very beautiful and cultured woman. She had married well, another scion of the East Coast establishment society. Her husband had joined the diplomatic corps out of a sense of noblesse oblige and served as ambassador, first to the Vatican and later to the Court of St. James. He would probably become Secretary of State at some juncture had he not passed away prematurely at 55 leaving Vanessa an attractive young widow.

She proved to be as loquacious as she was attractive, regaling them both with her stories, some pretty racy, about her time with her husband on the diplomatic circuit. Vanessa, as it turned out, knew all the dirt on everybody in high places. Then the conversation came around to Lord Penrose -- and about him, Vanessa knew plenty:

"He's an animal," she began, "worse in fact. Compared to him, animals are actually very nice, even the vicious ones. Penrose is not, he's sick, Mr. Przybysz, disgustingly sick and perverse."

"How so?" Przybysz asked. "And, you can just call me Prz."

"He has parties," Vanessa said in a voice just above a whisper, eyes opened wide, "tell him Yuri."

"You went?" Przybysz asked, looking at Yuri in surprise.

"Only once," Yuri said shaking his head sadly, "that was more than enough."

"What goes on?" Przybysz was thinking of Denning -- it sounded like he would have fit right in, except, of course, he didn't have the proper social standing.

"Oh my God," Vanessa began rolling her eyes, she was a very animated talker. "What doesn't? If you can imagine it, it happens. Sex. Sex with children, sex with animals. Sacrifices." Vanessa leaned forward toward Przybysz and said almost in a whisper: "Human sacrifices. I once saw a little girl killed." She nodded her head emphatically.

"It's true Prz," Yuri said, "I've never seen it, but I've heard the stories. It's common knowledge among those people -- common behavior even. They're sick Prz, rich sick fucks."

"I like sex as much as anyone," Vanessa said rolling her eyes again, "but I like the pretty much normal stuff, if you know what I mean." She gave Przybysz a knowing wink.

"And lots of it," Yuri added with a grin.

"Is that a complaint?" Vanessa asked. "Maybe I should enlist you some help, just in case you can't keep up." She smiled winningly at Przybysz.

"Maybe this is where I should get out," Przybysz smiled. They all laughed heartily. Vanessa was quite a lady, certainly not one of the typical "stick up the ass" proper Boston bluebloods, except in public where she was eversomuch the lady.

Her information about Lord Penrose confirmed many of Przybysz' suspicions. He and Dick had both known about child trafficking for sex slavery for decades, the sacrifice angle was new however. Certainly Denning was no unique phenomenon. With the help of Vanessa, Przybysz may have located the head of the snake. If it was indeed in Geneva, it would be difficult to kill, but there were far more pressing problems at the moment, beginning with his friend the Doctor and his worsening physical state.

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