Making America a Failed State: The Globalist Agenda

The key to the success of the current globalist takeover attempt is the utter destruction of America, and they’re a lot further along on their endeavor than many people believe. In 1992 Bill Clinton had a reminder written by strategist James Carville: “It’s the economy stupid.” People traditionally vote their pocketbook and the question “are you better off than you were four years ago” inevitably arises. With the advent of the Coronavirus and riots across America most people don’t remember four years ago… and that’s all part of the globalist plan.

President Trump provided America with a booming economy, the lowest unemployment numbers in decades, and the return of our manufacturing base. Whether or not this is true is irrelevant, people believed it and that made reelection almost guaranteed. This also demolished the Chinese economy and thwarted the globalist plan to make China the world’s next global superpower. This is what has fueled the “Great Reset,” going on behind the curtain while everyone is preoccupied with the riots and virus.

In order for the global economic reset to succeed, America must fail. According to Mike Adams at Natural News: “America is now a failed state.” To a certain point he is correct. “In America, there are no functioning markets. Prices of stocks and bonds are set entirely by Federal Reserve money printing and interest rate manipulations. Rational investing has been obliterated. Market-driven price discovery is a distant memory. (This will end badly.)”

The stock market is not as accurate a predictor of the economy as mainstreet. Wall St. is smoke and mirrors, at best an indicator of the investment class. It doesn’t matter if the market is at all time highs if people can’t pay their mortgage and put food on the table. This reset is about transferring more wealth to the top 1%, that’s why the shutdown of small businesses was part of the globalist plan -- it hit Americans where it hurts.

“In America, the U.S. government will print money and pay you to not work, then brain dead U.S. Senators (named Mitch McConnell) will wonder why small businesses can’t find workers who want to give up their enormous unemployment benefits and get a job that pays less than what people are collecting from the government. Only in America would the government pay people to avoid working, then panic as the economy craters because the labor pool has disappeared.”

All of this “free money” is far from free, it’s just another part of the globalist reset plan. Printing trillions of dollars will cause hyper-inflation hastening the downfall of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency. To accomplish this they’ve destroyed the American economy, and by them I mean the Democrats and their RINO allies in Congress along with the Federal Reserve that I don’t need to remind the reader is a privately owned central bank. Due to decades of corruption, America has been destroyed politically as well.

“In America, there is no political leadership whatsoever. The Democrats are traitors and the Republicans are feckless, spineless lose-o-crats who are utterly incapable of asserting even an inkling of leadership or the assertion of the principles they (falsely) claim to represent.”

While America slept globalists, cultural marxists, “the cabal,” or whatever name you want to attach to them has infiltrated every aspect of American life and every institution, political, cultural, or economic. They control the mass media, Hollywood, education, and even religion… all pushing the UN’s Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 madness. All this leads to one thing -- an authoritarian/totalitarian regime from which there is no escape.

“In America, the food supply is filled with toxic chemicals that are all approved by corrupt government regulators, poisoning the population and leading to insane health care costs that are bankrupting the nation at every level.”

“In America, the education system has collapsed into a cult-like communist indoctrination system, where students are taught hatred (against their country), bigotry (against whites) and victimization tactics to deploy during riots and civil unrest. The universities have essentially churned out a generation of terrorists who destroy, not citizens who create.”

“In America, the entire legislative branch of the country is ruled by a corrupt Big Pharma drug cartel that controls all “science” and tells the medical journals to publish fraudulent, rigged studies that destroy the credibility of safe, low-cost drugs that could help save millions of lives from a global pandemic. In response, U.S. lawmakers bow down before Big Pharma and betray the American people, because the pharma lobby can write million-dollar checks to re-election campaigns.”

That pretty much sums it up… America has the best government money can buy. The unwillingness of the government to stop the violence along with the MSM defending the criminals tearing down statues in their efforts to erase history is an indicator of what side they’re on.

“In America, violent looters, arsonists and rioters who are arrested for committing such crimes are universally set free by left-learning District Attorneys, because Leftists protect left-leaning terror groups in America. There is no rule of law, and there is no equal justice under the law.”

For years George Soros and other leftist billionaires have been pouring millions of dollars into local races for District Atty. and state Atty. General, expressly for this purpose. The takeover attempt has been very well planned, it’s an ubiquitous approach, political, economic, and social… a three-pronged attack if you will, all coordinated to have maximum effect -- the removal of Donald Trump and the imposition of the NWO.

The Global Reset

The debt-based system is already on life-support and about to collapse. Printing trillions of dollars out of thin air will accelerate the collapse and hyper-inflate the currency, reminiscent of Weimar Germany where a loaf of bread cost a wheelbarrow full of Marks. But the globalists have a plan to “help” us and save the environment at the same time.

“For those not familiar with the phrase “global economic reset”, it is one that has been used ever increasingly by elitists in the central banking world for several years. I first heard it referenced by Christine Lagarde, the head of the IMF at the time, in 2014. The reset is often mentioned in the same breath as ideas like “the New Multilateralism” or “the Multipolar World Order” or “the New World Order”. All of these phrases mean essentially the same thing.”

All we have to do is surrender our sovereignty and personal autonomy to the globalists. Like all the other forms of socialism/communism, when one thing doesn’t work they just change the name (but not the policies) and it buys them a few more years before anybody catches on. What they’re selling, of course, is the same globalist dictatorship as they’ve been pushing all along, bolstered by the same banal platitudes crafted by Edward Bernays back in the 1920s.

Although promoted as a panacea for all of our economic ills, this reset is anything but, it’s merely another centralization scheme writ large… on a global scale, another word for totalitarianism.

“The reset is promoted as a solution to the ongoing economic crisis which was triggered in 2008. This same financial crash is still with us today; but now, after a decade of central bank money printing and debt creation, the bubble is even bigger than it was before. As always, the central bank “cure” is far worse than the disease, and the renewed crash we face today is far more deadly than what would have happened in 2008 if we had simply taken our medicine and refused to prop up weak parts of the economy artificially.”

In 2008 the Fed printed enormous sums to bail out failing banks, but the money never went to prevent foreclosures, it went as bonuses to the banksters that caused the bubble in the first place. So now they’re doing the same thing again and expecting different results.

“While the mainstream media focuses on which senile sycophant will be the bankers’ puppet for the next four years, the central banks are destroying what’s left of the economy and sovereignty to usher in the New World Order. The election is all just a distraction from the real enemy; the banking cabal that runs the world and has already selected the next president.”

“The mainstream media seems to be part of a propaganda operation that is trying to change the conversation right now from what really matters, which is that the most powerful banking cabal in the world – the people who essentially own and operate the government of the United States, the West, and most of the world. And if anyone dares to point out the New World Order is being forced on us right in front of our eyes while Donald Trump, who swore he’d “drain the swamp” is still occupying the White House, the cognitive dissonance rears its ugly head.”

Not one person from the “swamp” has been arrested or even indicted. As I pointed out in my last reset article, America’s billionaires are getting richer while the rest of America struggles. President Trump may in fact be trying to do the right thing, but he’s surrounded by enemies, both in Congress and his own administration. President Trump is being attacked on too many fronts to be a part of the cabal. He is up against a globalist behemoth and even if he wins in November it will be four more years of violence and mayhem. John Kerry has said as much in a recent interview.

The only people that can save America are the Americans. The police have been rendered ineffective, Congress is corrupt and the bureaucracy is made up of “fellow travelers.” The mainstream media are owned by the cabal and the Chinese, practically the same thing. Our culture is being hijacked by cultural marxists, in academia, education, and the MSM. Many corporations are on board with radical groups like BLM and Antifa. This is it… the civil war for the soul of America, and I only see one side fighting.

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