Clinton Crimes: Part 6 DD-18

Haiti, up until the ”Clinton Intervention,” was one of the largest producers of rice. Bill Clinton effectively put an end to that.

By: Richard J. Quitliano
Editorialist & NewsHawk

HAITI Part 2
Clinton Corruption

WASHINGTON, DC (@ZENINEWS) — Having raised millions (if not more) for Haitian relief the Clinton Foundation went to work devising as many ways as possible to see that the Haitian people saw as little of the money as possible. By now most people are already familiar with the Clintons’ corruption in Haiti where companies such as Digicel and others that contributed large sums to the CF in exchange for access. This relationship goes on to this day.

One of the many tragedies from this pay-to-play scheme is the effect on the Haitian economy. For example, Denis O’Brien, owner of Digicel paid the CF — or perhaps we should say “made donations to” — and got the contract for providing cellular service to Haiti, bypassing Haitian companies, something that would have helped jumpstart the economy. But with the Clintons you have to pay to play. Digicel still holds the contract to Haiti’s digital cellular system, a perk also enjoyed by many of their friends.

“Everyone remembers when the Clintons (Clinton Foundation) invaded and capitalized on Haiti after the earthquake of 2010, but not everyone is aware of the nefarious acts that have continued for years since. Below is only a taste of the power and control the Bill and Hillary Clinton duo maintain over Haiti. And make no mistake, their power and connections do not cease with Haiti.”

“Most of you are familiar with the Digicel scandal, but did you know that Dennis O’Brien, owner and CEO of Digicel in Haiti, personally travels every 2 months in his private Jet to pick up CASH in U.S. dollars that his cellular monopoly is generating? Do you know where that money goes? The Clinton Foundation is given 10%, and several others in connection with this monopoly are thrown some small bones.”1

It would not be an overstatement to say that Haiti gave the Clintons the ability to print money for all intents and purposes… all to the detriment of the Haitian people. The links between the Clintons and organ harvesting are already well established.

“In 2016 – 59 dead bodies were found with missing organs in the small town of Thomazeau, in northern Haiti. It was never reported about.”2

One of the most damaging Clinton policies in Haiti has to do with the farmers. Haiti, up until the ”Clinton Intervention,” was one of the largest producers of rice. Bill Clinton effectively put an end to that.

“Though Haiti was a huge producer of rice, producing enough for both consumption and exporting, Bill Clinton had the tariff lowered, established a “deal” in Haiti to be “the seller of rice”, then proceeded to import rice from Arkansas. This completely obliterated the rice production in Haiti, as the farmers could no longer sell enough rice.”3

The Clintons’ foray into Haiti has never been to render aid or assistance to the Haitian people, but the opposite — to ravage and exploit them for the benefit of wealthy donors to their foundation. The most troubling aspect of the Clintons foray into Haiti, however, is their ties to child sex trafficking and the organ harvesting that often follows.

Exploitation, Sex-Trafficking, and More

As reported in the last installment, The Clinton Crimewave Part 5, the Clintons and their connection to convicted child-trafficker Laura Silsby reveals the seedy underbelly of their foundation.

“Americans have known for decades that Bill Clinton is not only an adulterous ladies’ man but also a sexual predator with a trail of wounded women behind him. We also know that Hillary is his enabler and “enforcer” on this front, by intimidating and discrediting Bill’s victims. This side of the Clintons is so well known to us, in fact, that most of us aren’t even disturbed by it anymore–which is disturbing in its own right.”

“Laura Silsby is the former director of The New Life Children’s Refuge in Haiti. Silsby was caught trying to steal 33 children from the country, most of whom were not even orphans and had families. The Haitian authorities wanted to detain her and her associates for at least 6 months, but, as we shall see, the Clintons had other intentions.”4

The infamous Clinton emails, as revealed by Wikileaks, shows Hillary instructing Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills to “do something” on Silsby’s behalf. One of the first things that UN Special Envoy to Haiti Bill Clinton did upon arriving was to get Silsby out of jail.

“Hillary Clinton has a long history of interest in Ms. Silsby. Wikileak emails dating back till at least 2001 have been found in her archives discussing Laura’s NGO. Laura had claimed she planned to build an orphanage in the Dominican Republic, but authorities in the country said she never submitted an application for this purpose. They instead located in Haiti.”

“Huma Abedin, Hillary’s closest confidant, was constantly forwarding Hillary articles on this woman’s organization. One of the first things Hillary did when she took over the scene in Haiti was to get Laura off the hook (cf. this PDF from 2009 for details). And the attorney who represented Laura Silsby? A man who was himself convicted as a sex trafficker. We also have State Department emails that discuss how to get Silsby and her own aide out of Haiti, and how to spin the controversy for the press. Here is a State Department cable that summarizes the entire controversy. Needless to say, Hillary’s mysterious friend Silsby comes out looking all right.”5

Here are two State Department emails from Wikileaks that show Hillary’s attachment to Silsby:

“1. Media continued to focus on the fate of the U.S. missionaries being held on trafficking charges, with one headline referring to them as “appropriators.” Pro-government Buenos Aires Economico reported that Coca-Cola Latin America’s Group gave a one-million-dollar donation to the Red Cross for Haiti relief efforts. Largest circulation Clarin (2/11) reprinted a newswire that physicians of the University of Miami backed the incredible survival story of one man buried under the rubble for 27 days. End summary.”

I can say from personal experience that if Coca Cola is involved, then so too is the CIA. This also explains the presence of DynCorp (a CIA cutout company) in Haiti after the earthquake, along with the Red Cross, who has been known for organ harvesting in Bosnia and Syria.

“2. Media continued to focus on the fate of the U.S. missionaries being held on trafficking charges, speculating on — and criticizing — their release. Under the headline, “Child appropriators will be released,” centrist Critica clearly expressed its objection, adding a subheadline, “The judicial decision contributes to legitimizing the presence and action of U.S. troops in Haiti following the earthquake.” The paper adds that Laura Silsby, the leader of the U.S. missionaries, had claimed she planned to build an orphanage in the Dominican Republic, but authorities in the country said she never submitted an application for this purpose. Pagina 12 appeared more objective; however, it reported that while the Americans claimed to be on a humanitarian mission, “it transcended that the children were not orphans and that most were delivered to the U.S. missionaries with their parents’ authorization.” 67

Also involved are Clinton pals Frank Giustra and Carlos Slim.

“Vancouver mining financier Frank Giustra is teaming with former U.S. president Bill Clinton and Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim to create a $20 million (U.S.) fund that will finance small businesses in earthquake-ravaged Haiti.” – Guistra Teams with Clinton, Slim on Haiti Fund, by Andy Hoffman, June 18, 2010”

Slim also brought in a team of Mexican soldiers to act as “peacekeepers” in Haiti.

“The truth reveals madness. That the plantation called Haiti is where brutal, modern-day feudal pillage and European rape are masked as foreign aid and NGO benevolence. Mexico is sending “peacekeepers” to Haiti? A Mexico known for awful treatment of its people, for drug traffic and kidnapping epidemics. A Mexico destroyed by US imperialism and unfair trade. The question for Haiti to ask is: how is Mexico connected to the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation privatizing US government assets for personal use?”8

The privatization of US government assets likely refers to USAID, a corrupt adjunct to the State Dept. that in 2010 was run by Hillary (mostly for her own benefit). USAID’s’ connections to DynCorp and their human trafficking and organ harvesting are well documented. In the case of Haiti, it’s all about the money — legal and illegal.

“Soooo, former narco-trafficker Carlos Slim, a Clinton Foundation donor and the richest man in the world, just got a few jobs for Mexican soldiers in Haiti? The cost to him is perhaps just a mere $100 million donation to the Clinton Giustra Sustainable Growth Initiative or $20 million to the Clinton, Guistra, Slim Fund – uhm “for Haiti?” But for that and other such “corporate investments,” Mr. Slim and others in his financial echelon are probably also getting the use of the UN logo on helicopters, ships, and tanks for the CIA’s old drug trade, no? Giustra is known for getting his pal, Bill Clinton to help with getting state mining deals and concessions. The story of Anthony Rodham ‘s Haiti gold mine and the roles of Eurasian Minerals, Newmont Mining, Frank Guistra, Barrick Gold, VCS and St. Genevieve mining won’t be written by the New York Times in time to stop mining on the quake fault line in Haiti’s Northern resource belt. Carlos Slim is the largest New York Times shareholder. (See also, F. William Engdahl’s “Hillary: The New York Times Will Never Tell Us This .)”9

In addition to the lucrative mining deals with the Haitian government, this is likely a continuation of the old Mena drug-running enterprise with human trafficking and organ harvesting added for good measure… this is the purpose of the Acesso diaspora – to hide dark money through a series of shell companies.

New Life Children’s Rescue Mission

Laura Silsby’s NGO is tied to other NGOs in Haiti and throughout Latin America — Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos (NPH) in particular. NPH is the philanthropic endeavor of Michael Maccoby, longtime CIA black ops asset and friend of James Alefantis of Pizzagate/Comet Ping Pong fame. According to a Wikileaks State Dept. email Silsby’s organization’s purpose was to:

“UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05766664 Date: 08/31/2015



New Life Children’s Refuge

Haitian Orphan Rescue Mission

Purpose: Rescue Haitian orphans abandoned on the streets, makeshift hospitals or from collapsed orphanages in Port au Prince and surrounding areas, and bring them to New Life Children’s Refuge in Cabarete, Dominican Republic.

The Urgent Need: The number of Haitian orphans is estimated to have increased by 300% as a result of the catastrophic earthquake this past week. Thousands of children have lost their parents, and are injured, hungry, thirsty, and alone with limited chance of survival without help.

The Plan:

Rescue Orphans from Port au Prince, Haiti


Friday/Saturday, Jan NLCR team fly to the DR
Sun Jan 23 r1: Drive bus from Santo Domingo into Port au Prince, Haiti and gather 100
orphans from the streets and collapsed orphanages, then return to the DR

Mon Jan 24: Bus arrives in Cabarete, DR at New Life Children Refuge
Haiti Team: Laura Silsby, Charisa Coulter, Carla Thompson, Nicole & Corrinna Lankford
Paul Thompsons Team from East Side Baptist Church, Twin Falls

Provide love and care for the children

Interim New Life Children Refuge Location: NLCR is in the process of buying land and
building an orphanage, school and church in Magante on the northern coast of the

Dominican Republic. Given the urgent needs from this earthquake, God has laid upon

our hearts the need to go now vs. waiting until the permanent facility is built. He has

provided an interim solution in nearby Cabarete, where we will be leasing a 45 room

hotel and converting it into an orphanage until the building of the NLCR is complete.

This interim location will enable us to provide a loving environment for up to 150

children, from infants to 12 years old.

Team Needed: NLCR is praying and seeking people who have a heart for God and a
desire to share God’s love with these precious children, helping them heal and find new

life in Christ. Please prayerfully consider a 2 week or longer mission trip to help NLCR

provide rotating staffing for the care of the children over the next 6 months.

Prayer Requests

For discernment of God’s will and direction throughout this trip and for Him to prepare
the way before us

For God to continue to grant favor with the Dominican Government in allowing us to
bring as many orphans as we can into the DR”10

However, given the relationship between Silsby’s group and NPH, something far more nefarious is likely to have been going on. Particularly in light of the fact that Silsby’s attorney was also a suspected sex trafficker.

“On February 11th, the New York Times reported that Silsby’s original lawyer, Jorge Puello, was suspected of leading an international human trafficking ring involving women and minors. According to the Harvard Human Rights Journal Puello was ultimately arrested in an investigation led by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) in connection with the ring. He was wanted in the United States, El Salvador, and Costa Rica for his involvement with a network trafficking Central Americans and Haitians.”11

Although too clever to have direct ties to the Clinton Foundation, Dr. Michael Maccoby is it likely linked through NPH, the parent group to Silsby’s Friends of Orphans.? Maccoby is also linked inextricably to James Alefantis.

“James Achilles Alefantis has a very unusual great friend and mentor in the strange world of international intelligence. He is an elite old school Washington insider. He is a vehement defender of James Alefantis and Comet Ping Pong Pizza. His name is Dr. Michael Maccoby– the head of the Maccoby Group.”

“The Maccoby Group in Washington, D.C. offers consulting, cultural audits, coaching, research, and leadership workshops. On strategic intelligence, they offer “A workshop based on more than 35 years of applied research, teaching and consulting with leaders in business, government, unions, universities and non-profit organizations in the United States, Canada, Western Europe, Africa, Asia, and Latin America.” They also coach leaders at Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos, homes for orphaned and abandoned children, an orphanage (A Field of Cabbage) in Mexico, Honduras, Haiti, Nicaragua, Guatemala, El Salvador, the Dominican Republic, Bolivia, and Peru.”

Maccoby partnered with psychologist Erich Fromm doing trauma-based mind control experiments in villages throughout Mexico and Latin America. It has been said of Maccoby:

“Dr. Michael Maccoby’s rabbit hole in Reinhard Gehlen SS/CIA international intelligence webs runs so deep that you have to begin in HELL shoveling up fire, brimstone, and sulfur.”

“Dr. Maccoby’s son, Max, is also a defender of Alefantis. Max Maccoby is a friend of Alefantis and former boyfriend, David Brock. Max: ”He is on the board of directors for the nonprofit charity Friends of the Orphans and is an advocate for their cause.” [Friends being Silsby’s group]12

Was any involvement in child trafficking by groups like the Clinton Foundation, Friends of the Orphans (Silsby), and NPH (Maccoby/CIA) (if it occurred) likely what cost journalist Monica Peterson her life? Are these organizations through Silsby, USAID, the Red Cross, DynCorp, NPH, are all related, linked together by a common purpose? Possibly this is what Ms. Peterson uncovered — a network so expansive that it almost defies explanation.

“Earlier this year a friend of Monica re-shared a post where Monica linked to a blog post critical of Hillary Clinton’s dealings in Haiti!! She was likely on to something, very likely that when she found out about #PIZZAGATE flags were raised and she began to further put the pieces together. The linked She posted was from Thehaitianblogger entitled ‘Hillary Clinton’s scandalous conduct in Haiti: Charity begins at home’.”13

Another thing that she possibly discovered is that human trafficking in Haiti is not necessarily limited to the sex trade but for slave labor as well, often to work next door in the sugar fields of the Dominican Republic, something Corey’s Digs has covered in detail.

“On August 2015 Monica posted on Facebook a post asking for info on sex trafficking in Haiti because she was heading there to help/investigate. It says “I’m down in Haiti for the next 3 wks doing fieldwork on human trafficking (i.e. ALL exploited labor sectors, not just sex), but was wondering if anyone knew of any sex work organizations working in Haiti? No ‘sex trafficking saviors,’ just actual pro-sex workers orgs. I’m a social anthropologist who wants to do solid research on HT, rescuing people is not in my agenda (this is a stupid and imperialist concept)” Yes, she actually Specified that she was doing research on Human Trafficking more broadly and NOT sex work specifically, and then states that she is critical of imperialistic ideas concerning saving people from sex work, and was looking to contact pro-sex worker organizations in Haiti. Based on nothing but Monica Petersen’s untimely death, a link reposted by a friend of hers ‘via Monica Petersen’, and a statement by her wherein she made a call for information on pro-sex work organizations in Haiti. Most interesting and suspicious bit here is that it was the same friend (“Bella Robinson”) who posted the link back in January (,”14

Wherever there is a dirty dollar to be made, be it in human trafficking, drugs, organ harvesting, or exploitation through pay-for-play, it seems that the Clintons are there along with their foundation. Their exploitation of Haiti goes on to this day through “friends” such as Denis O’Brien and Digicel. Human trafficking and drug smuggling are still huge illicit industries in Haiti and the Clintons seemingly are profiting there as well as throughout the Caribbean as we shall see in the next installment that includes people such as Richard Branson and the Ten Island Experiment that involves Bill Gates, The World Bank, Virgin Unite, Digicel, The Nature Conservancy, Tides, and numerous others.

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