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Cardiologist Provides Insight into Dramatic Increase in Heart Attacks


A cardiologist shares his insight into the increase of heartattacks and heart disease. He claims not only should we question the vaccine, but also our diets during lock-down which have also, in most peoples case been terrible.

You can see from the amount of fast food and delivery that was profited on during the lockdowns, that people did not choose to eat health, and had a general disregard for their health.

With numbers like that, how can anyone claim they are being responsible for their health?

Vaccinated or not, the numbers speak volumes when it comes to the low quality health of the average person.

Aseem Malhotra is a British cardiologist, and public health campaigner. He is a visiting professor, author of several books and articles. Here, he talks on GBNews about a new report suggesting a link between the mRNA vaccines and elevated risk of heart attack.

I am going to drink a glass of water. Keep hydrated can help reduce cravings. People sometimes confuse thirsty for hunger, maybe try drinking water while you think about what you want to eat, and see if it makes a difference. It did for me.