The 'swine flu pandemic' of 1976, where govt halted vaccinations after harmful effects came to light

This isn't the first time that there's been an alleged pandemic that prompted mass vaccination programs. Vaccines that were not properly tested and resulted in harm to many people. Harm such as death. Governments have done this before. They are doing it now. And they will surely do it again.

One of the previous ones that played out very similarly to what is going on today, was the swine flu alleged pandemic of 1976. Vaccines were rushed out and they caused harm. People had heart attacks and died as a result of being vaccinated. This was reported on news channels. The vaccination programs were halted because of these adverse events.

Yet we look at what's happening now, we have heart attacks and blood clots and other issues resulting in death shortly after receiving a poorly tested experimental injection which is a gene therapy and not a vaccine. And they keep marching onward, pushing the illusion of a grave threat from covid, just as they pushed a grave false threat of the swine flu in 1976.

Take a look for yourself at these reports on the trumped up fear mongering false pandemic threat of the swine flu in 1976 and the unnecessary harm it caused just to have some people profit greatly from a push for mass vaccination that wasn't needed.

WXYZ Channel 7 [Detroit, MI] - Action News at 10 - "Swine Flu Vaccine Problems" (Opening, 10/13/76)

Mike Wallace 60 Minutes Exposes Swine Flu Pandemic Vaccine Fallout of 1976

There were harmful side effects back then, just as there are now. There were neurological disorders back then, just as there are now. There were heart attacks back then, just as there are now. History is repeating, and the media is staying silent. Politicians who pretend to care are silent. Instead, politicians want to keep pushing vaccines as the solution to allow the economy to open back up and allow people to regain the freedom that the government unjustly took from them.

What drove the illusion back then was the media as well. Cases. Cases cases cases. Just as we are seeing now, it was all about cases a case-demic, not a real pandemic. It was all a fraud, and it is all a fraud again. Except now, we have some fraudulent fake science called a PCR test being used to diagnose people with an illness when a PCR test can't even be used to diagnose someone with an illness. Yet the media continues to say that a PCR positive test is a case of an illness. As of the two main charts are that peopel latch onto, one for deaths and the other for cases.

Go watch the two videos. Go do some research. There is tons of information out there about the harmful effects of what is going on now with respect to these experimental injections. Information about the fraud of the PCR tests. Information about how nonthreatening covid is in relation to the flu which people simply lived with and didn't freak out about. Information about how the death counts are inflated and not even close to accurately representing someone who actually died from what is being called covid-19. Get off the brainwashing mainstream media.

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