Perceiving the pre-crime sheriff

What do you get when you cross power-hungry authoritarian criminals who like to rob people, with an excuse to be more authoritarian with a viral threat? You get Pasco County Sheriff Chris Nocco.


What's been happening here? Creating an "intelligence" program to stop crime before it happens. Sounds like Minority Report. Where are the precogs? No where. It's just people making a list of names based on past behavior to declare they are likely to break the law.

If you've been arrested, you can find yourself on the list, along with any other excuse they come up with. Lie say, your socio-economic background that "predisposes" you to "criminal behavior".

Deputies then go out to the homes of people on the list, and harass them. The interrogate people with no probable cause, warrant or evidence of a crime. Fun times for the dominators.

They swarm homes in the middle of the night, waking families and embarrassing people in front of their neighbors. They write tickets for missing mailbox numbers and overgrown grass, saddling residents with court dates and fines. They come again and again, making arrests for any reason they can.

One former deputy described the directive like this: “Make their lives miserable until they move or sue.”


FREEDOM! Say it with me! These are people who are supposed to uphold "law" and keep epopel safe? Yeah right! They are just crooks.

About 1,000 people have been caught up in this racket, with 1 out of 10 being under 18 8 years old. They are out for blood to ruin lives.

As they make checks, deputies feed information back into the system, not just on the people they target, but on family members, friends and anyone else in the target’s orbit.

Doing everything they can to get you into the system and make you a target for coercion and extortion by the state. Lovely.

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