CDC says intense disinfecting for covid does us more harm than good, duh!

Whenever there is a threat of a disease, keeping things clean and sanitary is the top recommendation. But there is such a thing is going overboard. The image of someone with OCD might come to mind, where they are constantly obsessing over keeping things spotless. And it seems that society has become OCD over the alleged threat of sars-cov-2.

Sanitizer is everywhere. Whenever you go into a store, they have sanitizer dispensers there, and they want you to use it. Some stores even have someone on duty to make sure that people are applying the sanitizer, or else they won't let them in the store. Businesses may have adopted this on their own, but in most places it's been driven by government mandates where the business will suffer fines for not complying.

There are serious health effects with many of the sanitizers being used. Some are quite toxic and aren't meant to be used on our skin. These are industrial sanitizers, but these businesses don't really give a shit. While claiming to care about keeping people safe and healthy, they're using toxic chemical sanitizers and obligating people to use them who don't even know what they're putting on their hands.

Apart from these industrial chemical sanitizers that people are putting on their hands, there are regular sanitizers that are alcohol based that shouldn't be used frequently. But many employees are being forced to use these alcohol-based sanitizers throughout the day, sometimes after each client interaction. As a result, many have experienced redness and soreness on their hands, and some have even had bleeding as a result.

Throughout various sectors of business you have ridiculous things like this. People in full-body protective gear with breathing masks on while they spray disinfectant. This disinfectant will be all over the material that people are going to sit on. Obviously some people are going to come into contact with that on the skin. Clearly, this is not something that is that safe to come into contact with since this guy is in a full hazmat suit. All this fear and hysteria over an alleged virus that carries the same infection fatality rate as a flu. And that's what inflated death numbers.

While the CDC first claimed that constant disinfection is required, they then relaxed these rules with the obvious conclusion that the intense disinfecting is doing us more harm than good. Duh.

If you're still disinfecting just about everything you own to prevent the spread of COVID-19, it's time to stop.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) updated its guidance Monday for how to clean and disinfect surfaces properly to prevent the spread of COVID-19 at home and in facilities.

The agency now says, by and large, good old fashioned cleaning with soap and water or detergent can protect against COVID-19 infections just fine.

People are losing their minds with the fear propaganda. People's lives are getting worse, not better. The threat is so minimal, but the response to the threat is so detrimental. Our people even thinking about what they're doing? Are they planning to continue using disinfectants at this level for the rest of their lives?

Because that's the future we have, according to this scam bio security agenda being pushed on us by a lie. None of this is going away. Coronavirus does have been here for a long time, and they're still going to be here for a long time. Yet there are crazies out there who actually think you can achieve zero-covid. That's where you have no more of the sars-cov-2 strain, where the threat is completely gone. This is absurd. It's a fantasy that will never happen.

But don't worry, they have a solution, obviously a solution that will fuel many businesses that depend on bio security. Mrs. sanitizers in disinfectants, useless masks, and big Pharma manufacturers of experimental injections which will actually help people because there is no threat greater than threats that existed before from the flu.

If you're actually worried about a virus, a coronavirus that has as much a risk of harming you as the flu, then just use soap and water. How cheap is that? Everyone has that, we've been using soap and water for a long time. You don't need any stupid and health harming sanitizers. Another point on sanitizers, is there increased use to eliminate all bacteria has created bacteria that's resistant and increases the risk of super strains of bacteria. Let's get off the crazy train and get back to reality in living our lives. That is, if the tyrants and government will let us.

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