RE: Hive - and How to make a Viking Omelet...Part 2...Psychology of crab bucket mentality

Because when you use the word 'left' but mean 'authoritarian', people are going to keep wondering, 'is this guy on the right?' You consider the Fed to be left wing? It's a private bank FFS. It is run by people with no interest at all in socialism, communism, or any other -ism. My best guess is that they have a hoarding disorder.

You throw words like communism and socialism around like the very idea, or even the word itself, is evil. Do you have any idea about what these ideas are supposed to be?

Communism doesn't imply that a few people at the top take everything and just give what they want to the rest of us, everything is supposed to be divided equally among every person, regardless of their status. Does that sound like the mentality of a Fed chairman? It doesn't fail because it's an inherently flawed or evil idea, it fails because people are too flawed to share equally, even if there is more than enough for everyone.

Socialism wasn't meant to be a central control of everything, it's supposed to simply be production being owned by the workers. There's a lot of reasons why that could be a good idea, and a lot of reasons why it almost never works. At the end of the day, though, the idea itself is just an idea, it's the people attempting it that fail or succeed, make it work for good or evil.

The problem with religion, government, financial constructs, and all this bullshit that we lump into society isn't the basic idea of any of them. The problem that they all share is corruption. Whenever people in authority work to enrich themselves, those people will prosper while others suffer, no matter what your -ism is. This is why democratically chosen (or other 'rule by consent') authorities are so vital to a functional government... if you can't revoke the authority of people who abuse their power, they will quickly ensure that they can only be removed by force.

Personally, I would love to see a day without governments. I don't really think we need them as much as we once did, and if I'm wrong, well, I'm in a pretty good position to become a regional tribal warlord.

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