Get Vaccinated and get chipped!



Ask yourself this, what's the logic behind getting a vaccine that comes with a microchip that would be implanted inside you? That's what the Medical RFID implant will do if it is approved globally, but then 44% of the Republicans are against it saying Bill Gates Vaccine is more devilish than the virus it self and I agree with this too. Will it be safe with other countries vaccines or its same song and dance?

So other vaccines are out and not from the Gate Foundation, or could there be a trick and they are the ones funding that of Russia? My country Nigeria had ordered from Russia and it has been delivered, maybe we have ordered for Mr Bill Gates chips unknowing. But the infection rate is not subsiding, in fact its growing faster than its peak back in March/April this year. Reports have it that Norway and Denmark now has a Covid-19 infection rate that has exceeded that of No-Lockdown rate in Sweden.

Unfortunately that's not just the countries in contention, the US is having a high rise while other places in Asia are experiencing similar cases. Bill Gate's sponsored Vaccines has not been proven safe despite the many controversies surrounding his philanthropical gesture, he aims to controls the world population on a massive scale and your chances of been killed or sterilized is high getting a vaccine sponsored by the Gate's Foundation. You must be smart enough to wonder why you need a chip implanted into you after taking the Gate's Vaccine.

Gates came out to debunk the claims that his vaccines are satanic and that he planned to wipe out 15% of the world population, he got the wealth and reputation therefore he would be listened to the more by people who based their living on logics and science. Anyone with a free will and rational thinking would think deeply about what the Gate Foundation had done in the past in terms or health care and their deadly polio vaccine that rendered thousands sterile in Africa. These kind of people do not care about the average humans, you wonder why Covid-19 doesn't affect the world richest people and powerful people, they move and go anywhere without restrictions while the common human must adhere to strict rules of safety.

But if you are too careless enough to consider it harmless, then you are as good as been wiped away by their eugenics scheme. And maybe anyone who doesn't think a vaccine that comes with a microchip implant in their brain or neck is bizarre deserves not to be overcrowding our world!

I hope the Gates are not the ones funding other country's vaccines and I hoped their plans to wipe a certain number of the world population out doesn't work, nobody has the right to play god irrespective of how much the world is indebted to them. The lies and hidden agendas of Covid-19 is too glaring, maybe the world is really edging towards the end much faster as prophesied.

The truth is, irrespective of the many hidden lies been hidden by mainstream media, one thing is clear; this pandemic isn't natural and there is a sinister plot behind the whole scene. When we go, If we do go on another global lockdown; it's going to be much worse and we won't get out of the economic/financial, emotional, psychological, spiritual repercussions in a decade!


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