A Foreign army is Burning, Rioting and Looting America Cities

Foreign soldiers masquerading as protester are burning and destroying American cities.rioterPic1.PNGMany people don’t know about the foreign solider that have accumulated here on America soil. Last count since the year 2012, 750 thousand foreign soldiers has accumulated here across the United States. Many of them are located in Colorado, California and Georgia. These foreign soldiers are who the rioters and looters are. Their numbers allow them to be deployed in many American cities across the country. If you take a close look at the protesters you can see that most of them are foreigners. Also there are still foreign soldier amassing in Mexico near the United States Border. The Obama administration turned over a major seaport in California to the Chinese. Believe it or not John Kerry and the Obama administration enlisted the United Nations to send UN soldiers to America to confiscate guns.

These foreign soldiers are here to do the globalist biddings. Whether it fighting a war against the American people or protesting in the streets across the country. But many of the Globalist plans have fell through, especially with the election of Donald Trump to the presidency. Let just put it this way, the United States of America was nearly lost to the globalist New World Order.

Some might remember Jade Helm 15 where parts of the United States military that’s loyal to the New World Order actually practice a military overthrow of the United States. The independent news media especially Alex Jones and Dave Hodges help exposes this plan takeover of the country and thanks God it didn’t happen. The Common Sense Show is a good place to research the foreign Soldiers on America soil.

Many Blacks and others have been completely duped by the name “Black Lives Matters”. As foreign men and women carrying signs are destroying and looting property not for Blacks or minorities but for the globalist’s control of the world.


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