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The psychology of understanding your own buttons - and how to utilize them...lets meander...


Controlled Opposition:

A strategy in which an individual, organization, or movement is covertly controlled or influenced by a 3rd party and the controlled entity’s true purpose is something other than its publicly stated purpose. The controlled entity serves a role of mass deception, surveillance or political/social manipulation. The controlled party is portrayed as being in opposition to the interests of the controlling party.

James McClurg

I love being triggered.

It isn't through a 'lack of control' - or lack of mental discipline.
It's a self embracing confirmation to myself - of being human.
While my emotions may temporarily (very briefly) overshadow logic and reason, my emotional response also tells me that 'I'm over the target'.
My target.

Because the response that causes the triggering, is the mostly result of something I've said.
(I rarely - if ever - get triggered from something not involving my input first).

My motivations behind the words that I've said - the words that caused the response that then go on to cause my triggering - are purely about discovering the truth and uncovered deceptions.
No agenda.
Good or bad.
Nice or ugly.
Counter to my position, or supporting my position.

Uncovering truths is my underlying motivation.

....some quick psychobabble to help you understand the reasons behind my motivations...
...It all stems (I think) from me and my questioning 'authority' from a very young age.
The authority in fact...
I was 6-ish - with 'my authority' in this case, being a parent and grandparents. They were stupid (relativity speaking).
They used sophistry and lies to try and control - to construct a faux reality.
I did not but into that shite.
I detested such weak minded actions and behaviors.

Growing up, I've continue to detest weak minded people who resort to such pathetic, spineless, infantile behaviors.
I understand the psychological reasons for it,(90% of it being fear based) . That's the reason, but it's no excuse.
An adult means being an adult - and that includes ridding yourself of your irrational childhood fears.
Otherwise you're just a child in an adults body, are you not?

So know you now why I'm not too conflict averse, motivated in the uncovering of truths, and not too worried about negative feedback and how others feel about me.
After you've been criticized and attacked (as a six years old child) for 'rocking the boat'and for 'telling the truth'- by the authorities in your life ( and then gone on to shrug off those criticisms) doing the same as an adult poses no problems.
Interestingly, 'conflict' itself - could actually be seen as 'my comfort zone'.
Now that's what you could call some really 'fucked up hard wiring' from childhood!
It is what it is. I'm more than happy with who I am.
I'm not looking for approval - just truth.

Let's continue...

The best thing about being triggered (for me), is the quality of energy that's released in the emotional process.
The hormones get pumped, the nervous system gets synaptic overload, the brain spins out, and then....calm...focus...and finally, clarity.

And coldness

So very, mentally cold, is the best description I can give.

And that's the part that I wholeheartedly embrace - when it comes.

And it always comes.

With the coldness that arrives, a clarity and focus of such high quality comes with it.
It's kinda like an intellectual orgasm.

I rarely experience that type of diamond hard, focused clarity, without first going through the said 'triggering' process I've just describe to you.
Taking uber control of my own intellect necessitates letting go of the emotional control first it seems...

It's neither right, nor wrong - it's my process.

After 'lots of introspection' that's required in this lifelong journey of 'getting to know yourself', I posit that (to myself) I may actually - unconsciously - create the very conditions to the point where I get triggered - and thus acting as a conduit .

A conduit to achieve the much appreciated mental state that I've just described above.

Many people do the exact opposite (from my observations) and instead, try to create harmony (irrelevant of truth) with the sole aim of achieving a certain - preferred - state of mind.
Horses for courses.
Sheep for pastures.

After my triggering from a couple of days ago, I used that energy and unleashed my passion by utilizing that cold, hard, focus of energy.


I love research (hence no posts yesterday).

I love finding facts and then connecting the dots. (sometimes the connected dots are correct, and sometimes they're not ) ...but the facts discovered in the research remain the same.

They are what they are..
These are objective truths.

This 'laying out of the facts' - and without any need to take on my interpretation of these facts - still leaves a picture.
One from which the observer can draw their own conclusions (encouraged).

And have I been doing some research !!!...lots of research.

Controlled Opposition: A strategy in which an individual, organization, or movement is covertly controlled or influenced by a 3rd party and the controlled entity’s true purpose is something other than its publicly stated purpose. The controlled entity serves a role of mass deception, surveillance or political/social manipulation. The controlled party is portrayed as being in opposition to the interests of the controlling party.
James McClurg

I may be correct - or incorrect - in the connection of my dots - but the facts remain the same.

My understanding of psychology and the understanding the motivations behind the desire of power, and the personality types involved all play a role in 'connecting the dots'.
(in addition to my real life experiences firsthand).

Hornets with an intellect.

I'm sure most of us are aware of how Hornets attack the beehive. (research it for yourself if you don't - don't be lazy).

Working on the premise that you do know about his natural occurrence, and the reasons behind it - imagine , if you will, a hornet with an intellect.

One with an intellect that sets up - and builds - the hive, for the bee's .
All for the sole intention farming them - and thus supplying the hornet with a constant source of 'nourishment'.

Imagine also, that the bee's were not remotely aware of the hornets existence, or who constructed the hive that they live in, and who remain blissfully unaware of the hornets intent and presence.

Six degree's of separation.

I post the link here for you to look at - if you do not understand the theory.
(I think it's a very tenuous theory - at best).

What's not so tenuous, as a concept - is 'the three degree's of influence' theory...

...the influence of social connections on behavior. They described how social influence does not end with the people to whom a person is directly connected. People influence their friends, who in turn influence their friends, and so on; hence, a person's beliefs and actions can influence people he or she has never met, to whom he or she is only indirectly tied.

Taking the second model, and drawing from my own experience - the 'degrees of influence' theory, and the amount of influence involved - is compounded by time.
The longer anyone is in the realm of that influence (time spent), the more influence it can tend to exert.
This covers business and work, as much as social interactions - it's all the same.

The glib one liner of 'how much business is done on the golf course' is said for a reason.
Because it's true. Time and influence.
I hope that illustrates my point.

I'm only two connections away from Tony Blair.

He has no influence on my thoughts , outside of using him to illustrate what a sociopathic warmonger , control freak, looks like.

I've spent no time with him (and very little with the 'social connections' involved).

Alternatively - and having spent a lot more time with a journalist friend of mine (you might well know his name if you
like left leaning broadsheets).
His influence has had a far greater effect on me.
(he's the one that told me that I really should write a book about my life story/exploits)...

It can be said with some degree of accuracy, that if you spend weeks, months - or even years - working with a business partner,(for exampl), it's safe to say that the influence involved is far greater than a casual relationship with little time involved spent in the relationship.

It's also fair to say that long term relationships tend to attract like minded people to some degree at least.
Similar outlooks, similar values - and often - similar psychological makeups.

Take Stalin - and the politburo - for example...

What then, have I discovered in my ice cold, 'laser sharp' focused, research?

...I've sent my findings off to my journalist friend to have a look at them - (he has contacts that are way above my pay grade, and may be able to offer more insights).