'It's life Jim, but not as we know it'.....The Midwit.

There are some people in this world that can display more mental acuity in an instant – than some people – most people - will ever be able to display during their entire lifetime.

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It is neither far nor unfair.
It is not a moral issue.
It is the way it is.

Equally, there are many of us that simply 'know our place'.

For example - Myself.
I know precisely where I sit on ‘the IQ hierarchy’– and I KNOW that I’m not capable of achieving certain things in life because of a lack of cognitive ability power.
And I’m fine with that.
I have no insecurity issues concerning my own intelligence.
The individuals that are happy with that position - in 'knowing your place' in the scheme of things - are people without internal mental conflict – or the insecurity that can leads to self defeating strategies.

And then there are the midwits.

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These 'mental vacuums' believe themselves to be smart.

They are coddled by an education system that told them just how ‘smart’ they are.
And they're not quite clever enough to see through that lie.

Thought experiment...
…if you've put yourself into debt thinking it will get you a job - and then you have to pay the debt back throughout most of your working life - and you've never asked yourself ‘how smart was that fucking strategy?’ – Then you may well be, ‘a midwit’.

If you're irritated (but you don't know why, exactly).
Or, if your feeling a frustration that you don't fully comprehend it, (and you feel angry/irritated).
....then you're almost definitely a midwit.

The midwit is akin to a well tended sheep, one that's spent their lives being fed and watered.

Their faux superiority is borne from decadence, and it allows them to think of themselves as ‘king of the field’.
Their mental acuity (or lack of), never leads them to ask the question; ‘just who the hell built these walls that surround us?’.
It's only when you release the sheep into a more natural environment (open pastures and moorlands) that it can even starts to dawn on them that they’re just a small part of a very big ecosystem.
Welcome to the real world, after living in the indoctrination camps that tell you how special you are.

The midwits know just how powerless they really are, (not mentally agile) , but unlike people possessing lower IQ’s, the midwit is not content with their station in life.
They’ve been indoctrinated - told for years in the higher education institutions, just how special and intelligent they are.

Any attempted intellectual debate will not open any doors of their mind, the midwit is too insecure and too full of hubris to be able to see the error in their thought processes.
They will not allow themselves to see their own lack of cognitive ability.

Midwits do not engage in self-reflection.
They cannot.


To do so, would entail some degree of self realization, and that would involve inflicting lots of psychological pain onto themselves.
Thus, 'getting to know themselves' can be an intellectual bridge too far .
(there are some courageous exceptions to this- but they're very rare).

They’ve been told -for years - that ‘they’re smart’, you see.

They feel as though have the right to show others the “truest and most progressive” path.
Anyone that doesn’t understand – or - sin of all sins - QUESTION them about their perspectives - are disregarded by and compartmentalized into the ‘they're dumb’ category.
Their ultra weak ego’s will not allow people to question and dissect their position. (It’s ‘settled science’ lolol).

The irony of this situation is entirety - ironically - lost on them - 'no sense of humor' being one of the telltale sales of a midwit.

The midwits have always been the natural targets of communism and it’s simplistic ideology and being ‘not as bright as they think they are’ – are easy prey to propaganda that's been designed by people with far superior intellects than the midwits.
The midwit falls for the scraps of faux intellectualism that’s been offered up to them, in the guise of ‘deep understanding’.

The 'not so subtle' psychological trickery and subversion tactics that are sanctioned by governments, institutions, and approved media , draws the midwit in until the entire ,slowly functioning mind of the midwit , is a fully brainwashed .
The non player character (the archetypal NPC).
The lights may be on, and the daily tasks in life may be adequately negotiated, but there really isn’t 'anyone home'

The reason why the midwits are allowed to go into the higher education learning institutions - without ever possessing the true mental muscles needed for any serious study - is an ideologically driven one.
Driven by the high IQ psychopaths and sociopaths as a route to controlling and dominating others.

The midwit, unfortunately - is intellectually incapable of seeing beyond the immediate situation that's at hand.


...And thus, stays blissfully unaware of the sheep like status (or is that tax cattle?) that they've signed themselves up for.


Like an untested boxer who thinks that they’re undefeatable – and only ever using tame intellectual sparring off other midwits and thinking that this is some kind of objective barometer, they rarely - if ever- face genuine intellectual challenges to question their “faux reality.”

If the midwit ever allow themselves to go into the open area of grown up intellectual debate ( or get fooled into it which is far more likely) they’re likely to get ‘intellectually pummeled’.

This is why they prefer to attempt to exercise the need to control the narrative using other tools, such as oppression, or censorship - i.e force , rather than employing their weak intellect.

Reality acts as a very cold bucket of water, pouring over the paper thin facade of ‘being clever’.

A façade that the midwit has been nurtured throughout the ‘higher education’ years, and has then been allowed to indulge themselves in it by other (equally dumb), midwits. ...Echo chambers, and circle jerks, anyone?.

The midwit has developed a survival strategy to keep the more intelligent in check. They're default position is being defensive, fearful , and very insecure.
By relying on the strength of others - The NPC midwit horde collective, they adopt strange moral high grounds as ways to argue intellectual points.


They do this because they know full well that they’re ill equipped to address, counter, or rebuke, the intellectual jousting in the open arena of intellectual debate.
You cannot reason with the midwit.

Their intelligence is just high enough to scale the walls of having a ‘steady job’, ‘pay your tax’, and 'do as you’re told ‘ .
They ‘think’ (i.e *rationalize) that a massive debt- normally a house, is a sign of success, and not failure.
*Rationalization – is a psychological trick played on ones self – in an attempt to find good reasons for behaviors, decisions, etc.

The midwits are unfortunate beings - in that they've been 'robbed' from the higher intellectual state, but also deprived of ‘common sense’, the foundational truths of life that those with lower IQs can ‘just feel’ in their genes.

The stereotypical ‘pitiful creature’.... almost.

They’re doomed to living a life without any real ‘soul deep’ satisfactions or contentment’s .
They’re noticeably unfunny, and they lack any real sense humor, or any spontaneous ‘joy of life’....(any spontaneity must be planned! lolol).

The midwit’s love to be led - mostly by other midwits - who they see as an 'approved authority’.

…Of course, what the midwit fails to seecannot see, the poor things - is that those with the higher IQs among their own hierarchies , are the ones that are really pulling the strings of the midwit hordes.

The midwits continue on in their life, blissfully unaware that those 'higher IQ individuals' that they feel threatened by - are precisely the same ones who choose their lives for the midwit to live.
The midwit are both the ‘tax cattle’ - and the debt slave.


I'd love to say (once again)...

‘Ever get the feeling you’ve been cheated? ' ....but the really sad part, is that there really is no point , is there?
Saying this to a midwit would be like trying to explain the color 'red' to a blind man...

They truly, truly , truly ....just can’t understand.

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