Evidence of US election fraud is mounting...and is verifiable..

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The entire global MSM cabal came out today, trying to gaslight the US population - by declaring that Joe 'I can't remember my own name' Biden, was the victor in the US presidential elections.

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The reason? - They're trying to pressure Trump to concede.
(Al gore didn't concede until the middle of December - and that was only over a dispute involving one state in the 2000 elections).

Joe Biden, and the MSM cabal, are hoping that voters will just ignore all of the outstanding allegations of fraud.

And the evidence being offered is mounting up - by the hour.

They're hoping that the people won't even start to think about the dominion voting system scandal that's currently coming to light.
In Michigan, where one county supposedly 'had a glitch' with the result that six thousand votes were flipped to Biden , from Trump!
This isn't a claim or 'conspiracy theory' - this is an objective fact (It's been documented and corrected).

Was it hacked?
Or was it designed to be so - and working at intended?

Sidney Powell (General Flynns lawyer) has claimed that 'hammer' and 'scorecard' programs were used, potentially incriminating some ' deep state' type, government involvement.
Only a thorough investigation will really discover the veracity of this claim - but Powell must have some very compelling evidence to state this on live TV.

It's becoming abundantly clear that the best way to avoid attempts of fraud at elections is by discounting 'high tech' voting machines all together, and using manual, in person, voting (with corroborating ID).

What needs to happen in this increasingly obvious debacle called the 2020 US elections, is that US intelligence agencies needs to move in and immediately secure any locations with suspected fraudulent behaviors ( pending any supreme court decisions).

Joe 'sniffer' Biden has been 'officially' labeled president elect, by the entire MSM global network - but until The Supreme Court adjudicates by either accepting or rejecting any litigation attempts by the those who are representing Trump - there should be no 'official' declarations by anyone.

Trump is unlikely to concede under these current circumstances and Biden has proclaimed that he had no intent of conceding either.

Everyone's trying to pressure Trump to do exactly that, so as to avoid further uncovering of even more fraudulent behavior.
By using a barrage of gas lighting via assumptive statements, they're trying to frame a narrative as an actual fact.

They're hoping that people will not look at historical precedent.

They're hoping that you don't know anything about dominion voting systems - twitter is openly suppressing any news about election fraud , or trying to delete tweets using the words 'hammer' and 'scorecard'...

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Twitter's excuse for this behavior - and facebooks...

'We want people to believe in the elections integrity!!'

Yes, seriously.
....While at the same time, openly allowing discussion and tweets for the last four years - the unsubstantiated fake 'Russian dossier', and by implication, the illegitimately elected Trump to the presidency.
As it stands right now you have at least a few instances of objectively, provable, voting irregularities, yet they are attempting to censor people.

The reason why is clear of course - because they want Biden to be president.

They don't care whether the election was rigged or not - just as long as 'their man' is the one who wins.
It illustrates the moral black hole of those living by the maxim of 'by any means necessary'. (A leftist ideological trope).
It illustrates a lack of integrity, character - and very indicative of other psychological issues (that I won't go into here).

The Supreme Court now has to weigh up the evidence.

...if there's no fraud to be found, it proves the election was legitimate, but 'they' know that that's not what will happen.
There was systemic fraud - it's as obvious - 'plain as day', for those wishing to look at the events objectively.

The objective evidence of fraud found to date, was enough to tilt the election in Biden's favor.

They're trying to sweep the whole state now (and possibly much further afield), because of this 'dominion voting system'.

Substantiated claims of of poll watchers being rejected from
polling stations, or being allowed in but then kept far away to actually monitor any counting of votes.
This is completely illegal.

You also have proven accounts by individuals, that ballots sent in were retroactively postmarked(dated the third).
This would be two felonies alone - tampering with the US
mail and interfering with the elections.

If you cared about election integrity, then people from both sides political aisle need to be in unison, to clarify everything.

But the left do not care about integrity - only the gaining of power.

The individual states could conduct a recount in a couple of days (it's not until January that the president is officially sworn in).

A recount of every ballot is needed.

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I wouldn't be surprised if they find (upon a recount), that it not only flips back to Trump , but in huge numbers.
I personally, think it was a landslide victory, going off the pre-election optics.
The crowd sizes and and enthusiasm of the two sides was incomparable.
Even on twitter, Trump has 88 million followers - as opposed to Bidens 16 million (but we are supposed to believe that over 70 million people voted for him?!?!?).

The democratic politicians and the MSM cabal are 'calling the election' now (gas lighting) in the hope that the people will blindly accept it as fact, even though it is - quite objectively - untrue.

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