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Arrogance is confidence, misunderstood...It's losers being envious of winners.'s indicative of projection by the insecure.

A person who's naturally bright (and passed all his exams without studying) could be perceived as being arrogant - but only if the listener of that information assumes that the speaker thinks that being naturally bright makes him or her better.

When folks have been gifted with something like intelligence, or a talent, or even good looks and they didn't work for it (but they have it anyway)it can stir up a resentment in others.
...In the people that have not been lucky in the random genetic lottery.
(hey, I'm a lucky fucker).

If you're are insecure about something, it's too easy - and incredibly lazy - to assume that another person thinks that they're somehow feeling superior.
Arrogance is very misunderstood.
It confidence that's viewed on by the envious.
(in my very non arrogant and humble opinion, of course).

Confidence in a person - when seen from the perspective of an un confident individual - will be seen as arrogance.
How many times have you heard people say something like 'that guy's fucking arrogant', to only find out later, (after getting to know them) that's it's simply not the case at all...?

Someones opinion about you, is a product of their perception .

And with that perception, comes an avalanche of their own personal history and experiences - the things that have created that perception.
To call someone 'arrogant' says more about the person saying it - and their deeper psychological makeup - than it ever does about the person being labeled it.

Confidence, assertiveness, and being straight forward, is not arrogance - unless, that is, you're seeing it from the not confident, unassertive, and conflict averse perspective.

It may come as HUGE surprise to you....but....but... I've been accused of being arrogant !

I realize that it may come as a bit of a shock to the system - but it's true.
I have been called arrogant!

The people that I know of that have sent that accusation my way (in real life) were all - to a man (very few women), conniving, weak, not too bright, and jealous, individuals...(Yes...I've been accused of it more than once - another shocker!)
...And I've no reason to think that those same character traits are not present in online individuals who have also thrown that assumption my way.
In fact, I'd go as far at to say I know this to be the case in a few instances.
...Judgmental, stupid, and envious. (and that's just some of their better qualities! lol).

Categorizing people is arrogant.
Being judgmental is being very fucking arrogant.

Sometimes, rather than showing fake and insincere humility, it's better to accept that you are better than the other person in certain respects.
Equality doesn't exist - no matter how many loser marxist wanna insist that it does.
Ergo better will always exist.
Sure, the other person will think you are being an arrogant fucker, but at least you are not being fake.

Authentic people will always be seen as having an arrogance about them when viewed upon by the non-authentic.

It's jealousy, and a lack of personal development (growing up), trying to express itself.
It's projection.

Here's the really cool thing, though...

You can listen to your expression of toxicity towards other people and do something with it, OR, you can continue to be a small, weak, and self destructive, little person...

What will you choose to do? - After listening to your own mind indicating to you, that there's there's a problem?

I don't give a fuck what you do, personally.

That's entirely on you.

"...I had to choose between an honest arrogance and a hypercritical humility... I deliberately choose an honest arrogance, and I've never been sorry.”
...Frank Lloyd Wright.

"I had to choose between an honest arrogance and a hypocritical humility....I unconsciously chose hypocritical humility and then used narcotics to numb the self inflicted psychological pain of my own decision....Then I chose arrogance, and I've never been sorry."

Clean your head.

Join my 'clean your head' fight club - coming soon!

(not on hive).