Pfizer Exposed By Project Veritas

Greetings Hive,

Project Veritas interviewed a couple of Pfizer scientists
with a hidden camera. Most of them cofirming that your
natural immunity is "better"/more "well rounded" than
the "protection" any "vaccine" could give you. And that is just
talking about immunity, not mentioning the "stuff"/chips/
Graphene Oxide they are finding in the vials or in the
blood picture of some Vaccinated.

Best view of this post on PeakD & Ecency (Odysee links...):



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This is Part 4 , with the scientists from Pfizer being interviewed, not knowing they are getting recorded:

Here in Part 5...

of the #ExposePfizer Series from Project Veritas
brave Melissa Strickler, quality control employee
from Pfizer "blows the whistle" on aborted fetal tissue
found in the Pfizer vaccines. It's disgusting!

Screenshot from 2021-10-10 13-26-18.png

And surprise,surprise, breaking news: Melissa Strickler just got terminated:

Screenshot from 2021-10-10 12-47-48.png

Thanks for stopping by! "Stand Up" for Freedom.

My Body, my Choice.

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