The First Reich, The Holy Roman Empire and the British Crown the story of the Charles'

During my study of the law as I worked to gain law degree so as to self-represent my own rape case, I learned an incredible amount about history. Not only that, but I learned the importance of interpretations of words, therefore the law. It was one of the most insightful courses I have learned. Admittedly, I was a beautician before I studied law, but even that brought my attention to complimentary therapies and a thorough understanding of anatomy and physiology. Hardly useless.

But it was learning about the importance, or should I call it, the impact of the 1800’s which particularly captured my interests. It was predominantly in the 1800’s when case law started to have an effect on society. It was during this period when huge societal changes were instructed through legislation and it was during this time, science would change the foundation of society, disproving, so it claims, the Bible in that Dinosaurs had roamed the earth millions of years prior.

And there had been another change within society at this time. Our UK future Monarchy had been imported from Europe. And this is where I start my journey into looking through the history of the British Royal family and their European past. It will explore Queen Victoria and her family history, including her families involvement in the First Reich, from the building of the Holy Roman Empire to what could be the argued as the continuation of the Holy Roman Empire. It will investigate whether the Holy Roman Empire did ever collapse in the 1806 as we were told it had.

This will likely become a series, so if you enjoy these investigations, please follow and hopefully my latest piece will show up in your feed. It will encompass child labour in Britain, when it emerged and how it was prevented along with investigating folk lore figures whereby I make an argument for their true existence, and what they might have been involved in based on evidence I have collected. These are not definitive arguments but are a possibility. I hope you enjoy.

In this post we will take a look at King Charles III, look at his family history, friendships, and also consider the past King Charles’ and consider why Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip might name their first child, the heir to the thrown with such a name. We will then consider the mocking nature of the royal family.

King Charles III

Charles Philip Arthur George, acceded to the throne on 8 September 2022 at the age of 73. His first wife Diana Spencer he married in 1981 with whom he had two sons. Princess Diana died after the two separated in a car crash in 2005. Diana died in the Pont de l’Alma tunnel in Paris on 31 August 1997 after a car crash and the ambulance failing to take her to hospital for 90 minutes. Charles took full custody of the children.

The marriage had been an unhappy one whereby Diana had accused Camilla Parker-Bowles of having an affair with her husband. After Diana's death and with the good work of Public Relations, Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles would be married 9 April 2005. Camilla and Charles remain married to this day.

King Charles’ family history.

Similarly to Charles’s younger brother Andrew, his great-uncle Lord Mountbatten had also faced allegations of paedophilia sexual abuse although unlike his brother Andrew who faced heterosexual claims, with a preference for young girls, Lord Mountbatten faced homosexual claims with a preference for young boys.

Charles also admits to being a descendent of the 15th-century Wallachian Prince, Vlad the Impaler, or better known as Dracula. Practising religions in this area at that time were Roman Catholic, Armenian and Judaism. Vlad the Impaler also relates us all the way back to the Holy Roman Empire in the 1400s’ which we will delve into in a later post. His name had its origin in the sobriquet of his father, Vlad Dracul (“Vlad the Dragon”, dragons being a subject I will be coming back to in a later post).

In modern Romanian, Dracul means “the devil”, and the subject of dragons, devils and dinosaurs will be something I return to in a later post. Vlad had impaled two monks so as to assist them to reach heaven. In another story, Turkish messengers came to Vlad to pay respects, however refused to remove their turbans according to their ancient customs. Vlad proceeded to nail their turbans to their heads.

King Charles III friendships.

King Charles III Wikipedia page avoids any discussion of King Charles’ friendships, particularly the friendship he had with Sir James Wilson Vincent Savile, aka Jimmy Savile. Who was described by The Guardian in 2009 as a “prodigious philanthropist”. Jimmy Savile died 29 October 2011 and with his death came a flood of sex abuse allegations. These sex abuses were aimed at children, the disabled and even dead bodies where Jimmy Savile rented rooms in hospitals so as to gain access to all he desired.

Some have argued that Jimmy Savile’s knighthood should be stripped. I believe these knighthoods are an indication of a language we have yet to learn and understand fully, similarly with The Guardians description of him as a “philanthropist”. Many claim to understand what that means, but what greater definition is held within that meaning? When people start to understand further meanings and definitions to these words, they have a greater awareness so as to avoid harm arising from such people in the future.

Charles’ younger brother and most likely Charles himself was a close friend of Jeffrey Epstein an American sex offender and financier, however, Jeffrey Epstein sold children for sex to elites so as to bribe and blackmail them, which is far more likely where he made his millions. The financier story was probably a PR cover story for the millions he made. These two are the friendships held by King Charles amongst many, many other suspicious characters, amongst finance, celebrity, politicians and likely spanning into every arena.

The history of King Charles’

King Charles I

King Charles I was King of England, Scotland and Ireland from 27 March 1625 until his execution in 1649. He was the second son of King James VI of Scotland. He believed in the divine right of kings, therefore intended on governing according to his own conscience. His tyrannical rule brought about the beginning of the English Civil War in 1642, where he was defeated in 1645 and was eventually executed, whereby England then became in effect a de facto constitutional republic for a time led by Oliver Cromwell.

King Charles II

Following the death of Oliver Cromwell and the resignation of his son a year later in 1659, King Charles II was King of Scotland from 1649 to 1651. He ran to Europe to live in exile. He was asked back after Cromwell’s death and became the King of England, Scotland and Ireland from the 1660 Restoration of the monarchy until his death in 1685. He was the eldest surviving child of King Charles I and Henrietta Maria of France. King Charles II had no heirs with his wife, although he had 12 children by seven mistresses.

His reign was hit with much chaos and many disasters which he would bring order from. In 1665, the plague hit London and he fled for Salisbury. The following year he and his brother led the firefighting effort during the great fire of London, both disasters combined saw more than 70,000 deaths. He died February 6, 1685. The throne was then passed to his younger brother James II.

Regarding religion, although their was a growing public distrust and opposition to Roman Catholics within England, King Charles II, was tolerant of various religions. This brought with it an unsettled society, which after many troubles would eventually become cohesive despite the Monarch’s intended commitment to be a defender of the Church of England Protestant faith.

King Charles III

King Charles III has a variety of different ideals and beliefs. Those beliefs include environmental protections and his beliefs in natural and homeopathic medicines. As heir of the throne he also becomes “defender of the Faith”, the faith being Church of England protestant faith. However, he has dropped the word “the” and will now be Defender of Faith, plural.

None of these causes I disagree with per se. However, I am concerned about how these will be applied. How will the poor be able to stay warm, if there become tyrannical measures regarding the environment, preventing heating? And as people start to lose trust in modern medicine due to protecting the NHS to the point of fearing asking for help and increasingly turn to natural remedies and homeopathic medicines like I do myself, what will happen to the doctors who have during our own modern day “plague” been injecting billions of people with experimental injections, without thought or concern?

It also raises the question of faith, and his role as defender of it. Can anyone be a defender of all faiths? Can all faiths be defended equally? What if some faiths believe in slavery while others don’t? Or child marriage? Or simply the interpretation of a religion by some? Can one be a defender of moderates while also being a defender of extremists?

King Charles is also a member of the Klaus Schwab Chaired World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab being a Rothschild. The Rothschild's being the banking elite around the world.

Mockery from the-powers-that-be.

When both King Charles’ reign saw such chaos to the lives of the British people, the chaos including plagues, fires and civil wars, why would Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip think to call the heir of the throne Charles? Could it be mockery? A knowing that he will bring havoc upon society, maybe even bring with it constitutional change by the end? Perhaps he was raised to do such?

It is often stated that we need to learn our history so as to avoid it. However, I also believe it is important for the powers-that-be to learn history so as they know how to use and abuse it to their benefit. They can depopulate when the population becomes too vast for their preferences. It is also in their best interest to learn from past chaos they have created so as to ensure they use the most effective methods to bring about depopulation with minimum backlash.

Regarding naming their child Charles, is it a knowing? An intention? For those with eyes to see and ears to hear to understand what might be coming? Is it a love and admiration for those who brought misery on the ordinary folk?

Queen Elizabeth II died in 2022, the year following the kick-off of Agenda 21. King Charles, now 73 has taken the throne. Could it be that the throne will be passed on on or around 2030, so as to meet with the changes of Agenda 2030? Or is it simply coincidence the timings of these changes? We can only wait to see what comes of all these intended changes with the UN, WHO, Agendas 21, 203 and the UN Migrant Pact. Perhaps things to consider though.

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