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Brain dead murder: The rise of the clan?

In this post I will discuss the issues raised writing about organ harvesting and brain death you can read here and here come to some conclusions. It will explore what I am expecting to happen based on my own research and experiences.

The organ harvesting matter

In the UK now it is legal for the NHS to harvest the organs of a patient. Not many NHS patients realise they are assigned to this law. I think that is problem number one. The use of an ‘opt-out’ which I believe is the use of trickery to obtain organs to profit from. There are plenty of people who claim they believe in the right to make decisions over their body, be that abortion or COVID vaccines. However is there a comfort with the government choosing to take organs from a 'brain dead' person?

What tests are being used to determine brain death and the inability for the patient to be revived? Very simplistic tests have been used such as light in the eyes and ice in the ears. If the patient fails such tests then the government considers it reasonable to kill them as a doctor harvests the organs to then sell.

This is now being challenged in the courts. It could expose doctors and the NHS and health care failures if people, the population were to care. The question has always been, is it okay to take the life of one to save the life of many? But is that the correct question? It could also be more accurately phrased as ‘Is it okay to take the life of one person in hope to save the life of many?’ After all, not all organ transplants work due to the others body rejecting it. And it might be even better phrased as ‘Is it okay to take the life of one so as to possibly extend the life of many?’ And when you phrase these things more realistically or honestly, it gives the discussion a whole new meaning.

It has become clear now why the expensive NHS management has been brought in. So as to ensure they make their harvesting profits and orders are followed. There is also the willingness of the population to accept whatever is told to them by people they believe to be in authoritative positions.

As Covid has shown, even doctors willingly follow orders from their managers. The mass population are very accepting of such a weak brain death ‘test’. They are very accepting of the governments right to kill a ‘brain dead’ person for profits. The population is seemingly comfortable with the governments ever expanding reach over body autonomy. And they will surely die for such acceptance and lack of critical thinking.

For myself, this is about flawed tests used to convince the population that the doctor knows best. It is about the misuse of language and words so as to manipulate and emotionally blackmail a population into accepting or doing something the governments expects to be done and possibly profit from.

Personally, on this organ harvesting issue I do not expect this to change. I don’t think it can now. It is very difficult to take power back once it has been given or taken. Hopefully those who care about their rights over their body, even when ‘tested’ as being brain dead, will have done their research and hopefully opted-out. I also believe that the government will take more rights over the body. With the mRNA and DNA vector COVID injections, it will be interesting to watch how this gets played through the legal system.

What about the larger picture?

Will the masses wake up to the misuse and manipulation of language? Well, I did. I expect a great deal of trauma to be faced by the population. And I believe it will be the vast majority of the population. However, I don’t expect that to come to fruition until 2023-2029 based on my own experience and research on trauma. And it is this reason that I believe they have accounted for and possibly why it is called Agenda 21 (as in 2021) to Agenda 2030.

I am certain they have researched trauma well and understand how long it takes for a person to understand where to place blame. But, denial is part of the process of trauma and it is usual that this can drag on for several months to several years like it did for myself. Keep in mind that for my own case, I also had to recover from having had brain surgery, as posted here. Understanding psychology is important in understanding how events are likely to play out in the coming future. This article might help you understand trauma and denial and get an understanding of the time frame.

In my own case and I expect this to become the case for those who also become harmed at the hands of the government and media, there was an inability to tolerate mainstream media news. Everything was politically correct, all adverts and TV shows over represented minority groups and this in particular became and still is extremely traumatising for me. It also flaunted their true agenda in my traumatised face which wound me up. The only thing which helped me through my trauma was switching off Mainstream media and reading up and watching alternative media.

I expect the powers-that-be TPTB already recognise the significant role alternative media play in the healing process of those traumatised and helping those who are traumatised ultimately see where blame should be placed. I expect that is why there is such a Rothschild/Reuters effort to get rid of this media, as suggested here. It is also why I am so keen to get this information on the blockchain, along with those who unknowingly helped me through my trauma.

The future of the Clan, or local like-minded groups

It was in this article titled ‘Brain dead murder. Organ harvesting. It’s a racket.’ you can read here, where I contemplated the idea of clan like groups getting together and working together, organising their health in a way they see fit for their own belief systems. Here, I would like to look a little further into such an idea while considering the issues which might arise in the future.

Ultimately, I think while people have not suffered enough trauma after the blackmail, threats and bribery made in an attempt to get the populations injected with the experimental Covid injections, I do see it in due course. This will bring about two problems created by the media which I believe they have accounted for and have set up in place ready.

Those who are traumatised will find the self-righteousness of injection pushing media to be intolerable and traumatic to watch. They will look for alternative information. This, I believe has been set up ready with the likes of GB News and Talk Radio, which will cater to the needs of those traumatised. I fully believe these are paid shills who will promote an existing agenda and deliver it to those who have been traumatised. I expect the current mainstream media to eventually become obsolete.

I also expect alternative media such as that which I read and followed will become non-existent. It will be financially punished and unable to continue or it will be blocked and banned. That is not to say those who are following it now won’t create their clans or be creating those clans already. I believe they are and will continue to be for a couple more years.

I expect there to be huge upheaval as people slowly begin to awaken to what has taken place

Agenda 2030 already tells us they expect to have local and regional governments at the heart of their globalised plan. What this means in practice is unclear right now. However, I suspect they are not considering the idea of like-minded clans. I do however expect that if this type of separation were to occur, as clans attempt to deal with health measures in their own way, there may over time (years, decades, generations) be members who become tempted by glitz and glamour lifestyles.

They would willingly give up their simple yet hard life so as to replace it with luxury and convenience. Where bribery does not work, threats of harm may. This might happen by perhaps taking on a leadership role within a clan, but lightly directing the clan into being governed, perhaps by having some authority govern the way health is applied within the clan. Especially if health is dealt with through simple, inexpensive methods such as prayer or natural herbs. It may be suggested after the death of a beloved member, that the prayer was conducted incorrectly. There needs to be a qualification in it.

And then, becomes the profit making and capitalising on something which previously never needed to be certified. We have seen this in the past with organised religion and health and it will be done in everything. Ultimately, yourself reading this and I read history so as to avoid repeating the same mistakes. I suspect there are also groups who read history to understand how to ensure such cycles of enrichment and enslavement can be repeated so as to enhance theirs and the off-springs lifestyles.

It goes without saying historical books will also provide ideas as to how long such a cycle will take to be accomplished. They will list the psychology of the population and help the other group reach such a moment whereby they can enslave a population. I certainly don’t mean that history books should be burned, but to recognise that this history educates both sides. And we should certainly be aware of such.

Take care x
