Coronavirus Files - March 2021

Coronavirus Files - March 2021-4835301_1920.jpg

During March 2021, all the ‘conspiracy theories’ began to materialize. Death rate AFTER the ‘vaccination’ is rising while governments prepare covid passports and even openly announcing ‘climate lockdowns’…

A medical fascist dystopia is still riding on a false PCR tests and corporate media hype, disregarding the facts, and enforcing ‘the Great Reset’ agenda of the tyrannical NWO. If you want to know their kind of future, just imagine worst possible outcome…

Creating an archive of Coronavirus texts in English and Serbian will not only allow evidence of the greatest global hoax to remain on the blockchain platform, but will also make it easier to search for all the evidences of a Hoax.

Timeline is going from the bottom of the text up.

176. New World Disorder (Mar. 28th)

Hiding the truth about the New World Order trough changed terminology – while the Agenda is in full execution.

175. Easter Egg from Germany! [eng/срп] Васкршње јаје из Немачке! (Mar. 25th)

On March 24th 2021, German Chancellor Angela Merkel backtracked on her recently made decision about even stricter lockdown during the Easter Weekend. Formally, Merkel took all the blame for the ‘mistake’, saying that “on closer analysis, the planned shutdown risked doing more harm than good.” Still, the corporate media continues to publish an ‘increase in cases’ without daring to publish a fact that mortality in Germany is no higher than any other year in the flu season.

In the meantime, scandals are piling up with a huge corruption among MPs of the ruling party, and have culminated with Health Minister Jens Spahn setting up a business of masks selling – to his husband!

174. Next (Lock)step: Climate Lockdowns! [eng/срп] Следећи корак: Климатска затварања! (Mar. 23rd)

Global plutocracy does not intend to let you live any more. When a resistence to Coronavirus Hoax grows, the new fear is ready: At the beginning of the year, Karl Lauterbach, SDP party MP proposed in the German parliament a restrictions of personal freedom as a measure against climate change! What at first seemed like an unsavory joke, also become true on November 11th 2021:


And everything is going according to plan described by Professor Valentin Yuryevich Katasonov, Doctor of Economics, President of the Russian Economic Society ‘S.F. Sharapov’, in his article entitled “COVID-19 – The Beginning of a Great Reset”, published in Russian at the site of Strategic Culture Fund There he presented a synthesis of financial plutocracy plans, openly published in the book by Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret “Covid-19: The Great Reset” (you can download it in full text from this link in English).

173. World Wide Rally For Freedom & Democracy – LIVE! (Mar. 20th)

Live streams from the World Wide Rallies For Freedom & Democracy all over the World. Many videos removed by YouTube, in the ownership of Google…

172. World Wide Rally For Freedom & Democracy [eng/срп] Светски скуп за слободу и демократију (Mar. 18th)

First “World Wide Rally For Freedom & Democracy” is scheduled for March 20th 2021, at 14:00

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171. ‘Conspiracy Theory’ Becomes Truth [eng/срп] ‘Теорија завере’ постаје истина (Mar. 18th)

As we are entering secons year of ‘pandemic’, all the conspiracy theories are coming true. MP Randy Hillier appeared in the Canadian Parliament of Ontario in October 2020, revealing that there were plans by the federal government to set up ‘isolation camps’ in all the provinces which, however, would not be limited to Covid, but would ‘provide a wide latitude for many people to be detained’. And on February 25th 2021, Angela Merkel confirmed at the virtual summit of the European Union that an agreement had been reached about creating a ‘digital vaccination certificates’. In practice, what ‘conspiracy theorists’ announced as a covid passport, and which is true today…

170. Lint Roller Man and Covid-19 Freedom Index [eng/срп] Човек с ваљком и Ковид-19 Индекс слободе (Mar. 16th)

Introduction to a global Covid-19 ‘Freedom Index’, a place where you can check how far your country has come in taking away your human rights and freedoms. You also can see how efficient in brainwashing corporate media is, on the example set by an ordinary man with a lint roller…

169. The State of Billgatesistan! [eng/срп] Држава Билгејтсистан! (Mar. 15th)

An extremely interesting testimony of Dr. Astrid Stukelberger, before the Stiftung Corona Ausschuss (Corona Investigative Committee). She is a Norwegian doctor who worked at the WHO and who, as an insider, makes accusations against the work of that private organization, which fully expose the criminal character of the financial merger of Big Pharma corporations and WHO. But, according to her, the WHO is just the tip of the iceberg of the established system of corruption, which has extended its tentacles to corrupt politicians in almost all countries of the world.

Testimony of Dr. Astrid Stückelberger.
Duration / Трајање: 28:37 (енглески, српски титл)


In it, you can even hear how Bill Gates has asked for the voting rights that states have in the WHO. He practically sought the status of a state! Imagine the state of Billgatesistan, which has a decisive vote on many issues in the WHO, such as – changing the definitions of ‘pandemic’ and ‘immunity’. And it has been changed so that every sneeze can be declared a pandemic…

168. UK: Wasting Money and Writing Fiction [eng/срп] ВБ: Траћење пара и измишљотине (Mar. 12th)

In March, United Kingdom closed four huge ‘Nightingale’ Covid-19 emergency hospitals built for 500 million pounds because – there were no patients! One had only 54 patients at the time of the first wave, and the other three were empty!

Official England NHS data (so this is not for the UK with 66 million population, but only England with 56 million) which says that out of 84.935 alleged Covid victims until the March 11th 2021 there were just 686 under 60 years age and without pre existing conditions! Which is a ridiculously small percent of only 0.0012%! One in 82,051 people.

Series of European countries (Italy, Denmark, Norway, Iceland, Austria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Luxemburg) have introduced a temporary ban on the use of UK-Swedish AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 vaccine as a precaution since several people were reported to have suffered blood clotting ‘incidents’ after receiving the jabs.

Despite the obvious truth, Corona Theater goes on…

167. Question, questions… [eng/срп] Питања, питања… (Mar. 9th)

Corporate media cannot answer a series of logical questions. One of the questions is: How is it possible that experimental vaccine death rate for Israel’s elderly 40 times higher than COVID-19 deaths? Or, how corrupt German lawmakers are heavily profiting from a ‘pandemic’ fears? Still, we could see Dr. Wu Zunyou from Wuhan laboratory, who said for NBC that virus was never isolated! If it truly was a pandemic, media lies wouldn’t be neccessary…

166. Lone Star Breaking Ranks [eng/срп] Усамљена Звезда иступа из игре (Mar. 6th)

Texas Governor Greg Abbott оn March 2nd issued an Executive Order (GA-34) that from March 10th, all state restrictions imposed due to covid-19 will be lifted. There were no Covid ‘cases’ jump since then. The only danger for Texas came from – the Federal Administration which didn’t help during lack of energy in the cold wave. There is no solidarity for those who step out of the farce…

165. Коронапревара: Вакцинација у Србији и ковид пасоши (Serbian – Mar. 1st)

После три месеца ‘вакцинације’ Србија се хвали да је према броју вакцинисаних на милион становника прва у Европи. Упркос томе, број наводно заражених и умрлих и даље расте и ‘кризни штаб’ опет прети пооштравањем мера и увођењем полицијског часа. Уз то, медији покушавају да сакрију како ‘вакцинисани’ обољевају и завршавају у болници (пример дома за старе у Шапцу), а међу познатима забележени су случајеви тешких реакција на вакцине (Бајага, Митар Мркела), па чак и смрти (Ђорђе Балашевић, а нешто касније Зафир Хаџиманов и Драган Живковић Тозовац). Све је извесније увођење ковид пропусница које је ЕУ већ најавила…

Never forget Julian Assange was the first to expose global criminals
Не заборавите да је Џулијан Асанж први разоткрио глобалнe злочинце

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Archived Coronavirus Files – July 2020

Archived Coronavirus Files – June 2020

Archived Coronavirus Files – May 2020

Archived Coronavirus Files – April 2020

Archived Coronavirus Files – March 2020

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