Doctor Speaks Out on Ventilators and Virus Scamdemic, Analysis Recommends Avoiding Ventilators to Treat Coronavirus

Remember when the mainstream media was fear-hyping the allegedly overcrowded hospitals that also had a shortage of ventilators? Well, people have been documenting mostly barren hospitals, while some hospitals have busy emergency rooms or ICU but dead empty for the rest of the hospital.

Doctors have been previously reporting how they stopped using ventilators, as they were resulting in fatalities instead of saving lives. The ventilators were doing nothing. People were just dying in most cases. Business Insider reported how 80% of coronavirus patients that were put on ventilators ended up dead.

It was not helping people. Other effective treatments methods could have been used to save people. Like vitamin D, C, A, zinc and the controversial side-effects of chloroquine. But, instead ventilators were the go-to for "Saving people's lives.

Watch this doctor explain how his hospital has so many extra ventilators, and how they were told not to use safer oxygen ventilators masks to increase oxygen because it would spray the virus into the air. Instead, they had to wait for patients to crash, then drug them and intubate them with tubes and use a ventilator.

* YouTube deleted the video, so here is on Bitchute:

Ventilators aren't saving lives, as was assumed when doctors followed their protocols. And people have needlessly died as a result. Other doctors have been treating the infection successfully with natural vitamins and minerals.

And just 2 days ago, STAT, which touts itself as "Exclusive biopharma, health policy, and life science analysis", wrote about an analysis to back up the reality that was being given about ventilators not saving lives (i.e. 80% dying when put on ventilator):

The authors argue that physicians need a new playbook for when to use ventilators for Covid-19 patients — a message consistent with new treatment guidelines issued Tuesday by the National Institutes of Health, which advocates a phased approach to breathing support that would defer the use of ventilators if possible.


For another, unlike in other pneumonias the areas of lung damage in Covid-19 can sit right next to healthy tissue, which is elastic. Forcing oxygen-enriched air (in some cases, 100% oxygen) into elastic tissue at high pressure and in large volumes can cause leaks, pulmonary edema (swelling), and inflammation, among other damage, contributing to “ventilator-induced injury and increased mortality” in Covid-19, the researchers wrote.

That means, avoid using ventilators, because people are dying. Not just dying because they don't work, but the ventilators can even be damaging the lungs and increasing the frequency of mortality.

This information about the vitamin C, D, A and zinc needs to get around to more doctors to save more lives. Imagine the lower death count that could have been had if doctors were communicating effective treatments to each other. Lives would have been saved, the lockdown wouldn't have been needed to even be entertained, let alone implemented.

We're still seeing lockdowns being imposed despite the evidence that they were never needed, as the death rate is comparable to the flu or a more sever flu season. Nothing like the fear-hype bullshit that was spread initially. At least ventilators can be removed from use, and no more hype about ventilator shortages spread in media, right? I think that might be too much to ask of the mainstream media, but we shall see.

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